The Crowded Sky
The Crowded Sky
NR | 02 September 1960 (USA)
The Crowded Sky Trailers

When Navy pilot Dale Heath takes off, he doesn't expect his navigational equipment to fail and must adapt when it goes out along with his radio. Heading straight for a commercial jet piloted by Dick Barnett, whose plane is full of passengers, Heath can't tell which way to turn in order to avoid a catastrophe.

Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
thebuckguy Early in the film, Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. is checking out a new Edsel at the local Edsel dealer---a car that was a disaster is the perfect metaphor for the disaster that follows. . Laughable product placement like that should tell you that, at best, this is a film filled with unintentional humor. At worst, it's a feature film starring that paargon of wooden acting, Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. and featuring that blonde dreamboat who couldn't act his way out of a paper bag, Troy Donahue.
bkoganbing Warner Brothers had an opportunity to exhibit some of its popular television stars of the period and took it with The Crowded Sky. Though the plot is very similar to the more well known The High And The Mighty, The Crowded Sky definitely has enough merit to stand on its own as good and exciting entertainment.Like The High And The Mighty the crew and passengers of a commercial airline which consists of pilot Dana Andrews, co-pilot John Kerr, navigator Joe Mantell, and stewardess Anne Francis are on westbound flight on one of those old propeller jobs all have their little vignettes and we see their stories.But the danger here isn't from mechanical failure resulting in a dangerously low fuel capacity as in The High And The Mighty. Coming eastbound and heading for them is a navy jet with Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. and a sailor Troy Donahue who is just hitching a ride with Zimbalist. These guys were starring in popular Warner Brothers television series at the time, Zimbalist with 77 Sunset Strip and Donahue leading the cast of Surfside 6. They too have their stories.Zimbalist's is the most interesting, he's got a neglected wife in Rhonda Fleming who's been seeking love outside the marriage. Donahue is heading to marry a girl he's gotten pregnant. Zimbalist has been down this road before.As for Andrews he's a stickler for protocol and he and Kerr don't get along because a bad report denied Kerr the captaincy he was seeking. Among the passengers I liked Patsy Kelly very much as the agent of a rather vain player in Donald May who also starred in Warner Brothers Colt 45 television series.The climax with the two planes colliding in midair and the aftermath is gripping, you will not want to blink for missing something. The special effects are good for their time and Warner Brothers did accomplish its purpose of getting its television stars on the big screen for exposure.
Pete Schnapps I saw this movie on television at 2am on a Monday morning. i was so damn tired, but after the initial 10 minutes i could not look away. basically through flashbacks we are told the stories of characters on two planes. how did they get there? what motivates them? will we be told this? no. no, we won't. random thoughts and odd conversations that float around in these characters heads don't do much for the story, but still somehow just manage to keep you interested. the acting is terrible, the story is foul and confusing and the end is laughable. so why did i love this movie? was it because there was nothing else on? yes. that is the answer. if you find yourself in the same situation i'm sure you'll agree.
vmwrites One of the first modern day airline disaster movies, this 1961 film contains all the elements of suspense, humor and drama that one would expect of its genre. With the only drawback of a weak supporting cast, the story line is a solid one.In this film, Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. plays a navy pilot on a collision course with a commercial jet piloted by Dana Andrews. Years later, in one of the later Airport series, the roles are reversed and Andrews plays the pilot of a small plane on a collision course with a commercial aircraft piloted by Efrem Zimbalist.Troy Donahue does a creditable job as a young sailor hitching a ride with Zimbalist to get home. An interesting device in this film is the close-up thought technique, particularly when used with the character played by Keenan Wynn.If you consider this film only among the other members of its generation, it comes out well.