The Confession
The Confession
R | 26 March 1999 (USA)
The Confession Trailers

After his young son dies from the negligence at a hospital, Harry Fertig takes matters into his own hands and kills the doctors responsible. Slick lawyer Roy Bleakie, looking only to win a case and not caring of the matters involved, is assigned Fertig's case. Shocked to hear that his client wants to plead guilty, the case causes Bleakie to question his own morals by defending an honorable man.

Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
lilianabloom Brilliant. Should b a 10. The lessons in this movie are important to all of us as individuals and a society. This is no fairy tale. Companies do this every day. Money is more important than ANYTHING else.One of the best films I have ever seen.
bencharif I'm not a particularly avid follower of movie actors, or of movies as they're released, which probably explains why I found "The Confession"--and Alec Baldwin's performance in it--so surprising. I'd heard nothing about this film and saw it quite by accident.Movies like "The Confession"--that is, movies with moral dilemmas at their center ("It's not hard to do the right thing; it's hard to know what the right thing is" is the central dilemma of the film)--often bypass the ambiguities of complex moral questions in favor of a single answer everyone can love.In this film there are moral ambiguities aplenty, and the film deals honestly with the difficulty of facing those ambiguities head-on and taking a clear position. Alec Baldwin's performance was startling and complex--a beautiful thing to watch. The supporting cast, including Amy Irving, was top-notch, too.
Gloria Lister I wonder what induced Kingsley, Irving, Noth and Baldwin to participate in this tripe. Understand their beliefs may have led them to do it, but the next time they have a spare weekend, perhaps they could spend it interviewing directors who have a modicum of talent and originality. It was a toss up for me between the direction and the script as to which was the most banal. The consummate professional cast struggled to give the piece some dignity but it was hopeless from the start. On a lighter note, even the delectable Chris Noth plain-janed himself into obscurity.
finnerss It amazes me producers can actually take the time to get past the sixth page of the script, and even worse, tarnish great actors like Ben Kingsley and Baldwin, who, despite their brilliance, could never make up for the absurd proposal of the movie. A good premise, poor executed, with a lousy direction. Simply, a total waste. Watch it yourself, you might be acquainted with the oath doctors take upon their course's completion. In Mexico we have a terrible service in Public Health, however, I've never encountered an E.R. that doesn't take two seconds even on a break to take a look at a patient, plus this opening scene is nothing but as predictable as anything you've ever seen.Watch it yourself, then post your comments. It's a shame this premise can be torn down by the execution of the actual movie. I mostly write positive reviews on the movies I find worthwhile, but this was too much an insult to everyone's intelligence.