The Chosen
The Chosen
| 01 January 2005 (USA)
The Chosen Trailers

A couple of brutal and mysterious murders point to Uppsala University. Johan, a last year student at the police academy, gets involved in the investigation. He enrolls a course at the University in order to, under cover, track down the killer.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
OJT After some accidents the police find a recurring mark which makes the police understand that these are not accidents, but rather accidents staged as murders. The investigation unit decided to recruit a young and intelligent police student to help with the case. The young recruit proves to be a very valuable asset in an investigation to solve the case.This is the second feature film by the director Eric Donell, also is the writer of the film script. Martin Söder ha co-directed the film together with him. I find the plot interesting, and that the film has good pace. The Swedish tradition for crime movies are well known, and I think this follows in that good tradition. It seems like this film has been bashed by viewers, which most probably will be mostly Swedish. I think this is rather unfair. The film is both interesting and has a good drive.The weakness is the believability of the student scenes. The acting here isn't always top notch. The police investigation scenes are way better. Main role player Andreas Wilson does a wonderful job as the young student. He is very believable and nerdy. I was nicely entertained!
Jonathan Smårs After a series of murders staged as accidents, the Swedish investigation unit decided to recruit Johan (Andreas Wilson), a young but already well known police student to help out with the case. Johan proves to be a very valuable asset in an investigation that turns out to be more than originally believed.In contrast to what I've heard about this movie earlier I think that it was actually quite good. The plot is well thought through and you are kept on the edge of your seat the entire time through a mix of very realistic yet horrifying murders and thriller elements.The student scenes feel a bit awkward and stale, the acting isn't always top of the line and doesn't feel very natural between the student peers; still I feel that the overall performances in the film almost sets the mood in a better way than the usual laid back student atmosphere would.It's commonly known that the Swedish film industry is only good at realistic police flicks (Beck) and ironic/perverse grown up comedy (Vuxna Människor). I think that this is a pretty good variation of what a crime film can turn into with a tad more thriller and horror elements.
Charlie_Barbarossa Being a student at Uppsala University myself, I and a few classmates went to see this movie. And we sure did laugh. Partly for recognizing most of the settings in Uppsala, but also because of the ridiculous depiction of the student life.The students in the film spend time in a group of six, no more. They study in ways we couldn't recognize. They hang out at places where we real students do not hang out. They seem to have nothing in their heads except studying (so not true for real students, anyone can tell that). And none of their conversations sound real in any way. There are a lot of scenes in the movie that are just embarrassing to watch because of the poor script. Others are so ridiculous that they made us laugh even harder, which I believe is not the intention of the movie.Even if I wasn't an Uppsala student, I wouldn't find the murder story nor the detective work the least bit enjoyable. It doesn't even work as a police movie.Just a few script changes and it would be an all-out comedy. So thanks for a round of laughs, but it doesn't cover the fact that this is probably the worst movie I've seen so far this year. But I didn't expect better. Uppsala deserves a better movie taking place here, looks like I'm gonna have to do it myself.
hejjagheterlinnea Wow. I really really think this was a great Swedish movie! For you, who do not know, this movie is about a police investigation in Stockholm/Uppsala-area with Andreas Wilson from Oscar-nominated Ondskan (also displayed as The Evil). This was his third movie and I think he did a great job. In the beginning, it felt like Eric Ponti in Ondskan, but later on, you could feel a new side of him. Andreas Wilson plays Johan, a guy who's in a University in Stockholm going the police-alignment, where his friends calls him Kalle Blomqvist because he's so good at solving crimes. The police calls him in, because of his good talent and he has the right age. The right age to be an infiltrator at the University in Uppsala, where they think a serial-killer may be. During the movie there are many suspects, and according to me, even Johan was a suspect. It was a really exciting movie, with a few very funny jokes. Also a few very obvious goofs, but who cares? Excellent movie with a lot of action and entertaining. But why did it have premiere on a Wednesday? Very few who saw it, poor them, because this movie is absolutely worth seen in the theaters.