The Choirboys
The Choirboys
R | 23 December 1977 (USA)
The Choirboys Trailers

A group of Los Angeles cops decide to take off some of the pressures of their jobs by engaging in various forms of after-hours debauchery.

Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Mike_Yike I just wrote a review for Videodrome. The subject of a conversation I had earlier today was; what are the worst movies I have seen that had a decent-sized budget? The worst movie I have seen, in my opinion, was Videodrome. Second on the list is this piece of crap, The Choirboys. Wow, is this one lousy movie. Videodrome actually had a higher rating than did The Choirboys, and maybe it deserves it, but both movies are chunks of garbage, they down right stink. Do yourself a favor; skip The Choirboys. Go bowling or play some miniature golf. I got it; take a bath, do anything but wasting your time on this movie. Take it from me; The Choirboys is a total waste of time.
toysoldiermp The opening of the movie says it all. We see the pre-shift briefing and go straight to Choir practice after shift and see a drunken party. This breaks away from the book by showing the stress relief drinking but doesn't really show that this is their way of dealing with the stress of the job. I think if you have read the book prior to seeing the movie it is more enjoyable but still disappointing in that so much of the book is missing. The weakness of the film can almost be overlooked with a fantastic cast who do a great job with what they have to work with. While most likely Wambaugh's best book it is not the best movie from his books. If you are a fan of Hill Street Blues, you can't help but notice that this movie/book may have helped inspire the show.
zatoichi101 The Choirboys is flat-out one of my all-time favorite movies!!! I have read the list of reviews here, and the positive ones are more insightful than most of the negative reviews, which consist mainly of "moronic," "insulting," "an outrage," ... blah, blah, blah (or more precisely "wah, wah, wah").Don't listen to them -- this is an EXCELLENT movie. Mind you, it won't win any academy awards, but the cast is a who's who of Hollywood superstars. But, of course, they weren't stars when this movie was made -- they were really just breaking into the business, for the most part. Heck, James Woods alone is worth the price of admission!! And do keep in mind that this movie was made 30 years ago -- the cinematography and over-all feel is kind of dark, although there are some hilarious scenes! And I do not apologize for any part of this movie -- of all "police comedies" it is by far the most "real," in that I can imagine very easily a department EXACTLY like the one depicted. (In fact, I MISS the days when cops were REAL PEOPLE -- and not a bunch of ex-Marine Drill Instructors akin to Robocops (no offense to The Marines -- but you know what I mean, don't you?).Choir Practice, in the movie, is, of course, the weekly drinking fest where the boys (and girls) blow off steam. And typical of 70's movies, there is more than one story going on at the same time -- and a good deal of time is spent developing the array of characters, all with stories of their own.I like this movie -- and if you like Dirty Harry and think he is AWESOME for KICKING ASS, if you think this world has gotten WAY TO PC for comfort, if you like to party and make no excuses for it -- then you will like this movie, too!
Theo Robertson On paper this should have been excellent . We have Robert Aldrich who made some very intelligent , cynical movies like ATTACK , THE DIRTY DOZEN , TOO LATE THE HERO and ULZANA'S RAID directing a novel by acclaimed author Joseph Wambaugh and featuring amongst others notable actors like Louis Gosset Jnr and James Woods before they became well known . But since it was made on celluloid and not on paper that doesn't appear to count for very much THE CHOIRBOYS is a mess . There's little plot to speak off and is so cluttered up with characters that it's impossible to understand where the screenplay is going and of the characters themselves they're very unlikable . Since the characters are amoral policeman I thought perhaps someone had the idea of making this as a precursor to HILL STREET BLUES and I guess somewhere along the line that's what the intention was , of an off beat black comedy but the writing , directing and acting is so heavy handed it's like watching a very bad adult version of POLICE ACADEMY with only the sequence of a man taking his pink poodle in the park coming close to raising a smile Did I start this review by asking what went wrong ? After seeing the movie in its entirety I feel I now have to ask did anything go right ?