The Chase
The Chase
NR | 18 February 1966 (USA)
The Chase Trailers

The escape of Bubber Reeves from prison affects the inhabitants of a small Southern town.

Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
bettycjung 2/5/18. This is a movie typical for when it came out (1966). It's about small town politics tainted by prejudice, small minds and big money. I just decided to watch it because it actually had a stellar cast for that time. Another Redford and Fonda movie (which I didn't know about). Marlon Brando is front and center. It's not his best role, but his character plays a pivotal role in what happens to Redford's escaped convict character. Worth catching for nostalgia's sake.
johnvondohren If I could give this thing a zero, I would. Given the incredible cast, it's beyond belief that they came up with a movie this bad. When this came on TV, my friend said, "No, don't watch it!" That made me curious, so I was stupid enough to stay up until some ungodly hour of the morning to finish watching it. I kept thinking it would have some kind of redeeming social value in the end. I was wrong. I literally wanted to blow my brains out after watching it. So...if you'd like to commit suicide, by all means watch it. If, on the other hand, you'd like to have a good day, turn around and run away.
philip-davies31 John Barry's music and Maurice Binder's credits sequence belong in a far better film than this overripe and putrid melodrama. The less said about anyone else's contribution - which all must have been embarrassed to acknowledge was the lowest point in their respective careers - the better. "All those people are crazy" as the Sheriff says (the only meaningful line of dialogue in the entire farrago). And, really, who wants to spend over two hours in the lunatic asylum of this cheap and pointless Hollywood degradation? Nowhere in this sprawling mess is there the slightest whiff of real human pain - except probably burned into the memory of the original audience, who had to sit squirming in endless torment beneath this over-the-top torrent of technicolor naffness. This is no morality - this is a ludicrous caricature of humanity. Cheap and offensive sensationalism. Reductive voyeurism, posturing as cinematic exposure. And worst of all NO PERCEPTIBLE DRAMATIC TENSION OR MORAL CATHARSIS WHATSOEVER. If only there had been any actual alcohol vapours to light up the screen at the fiery end, in an auto-da-fé of the wild unreality of that shambling mass of bad actors who even lacked the taste to avoid being stone cold sober while making themselves ridiculous, as their hopelessly pretend drunks spewed out across the Panavision expanse - - -Then, this rubbish could at last have ended in the blaze of recognition that normally consigns such an awful screenplay to the consuming fire of embarrassed self-knowledge BEFORE wasting time and money in unwisely perpetrating the abomination on the exhibitionist scale of a Panavision epic!A lurid pavement-oyster of a film. Definitely a night-out NOT to remember.(I saw this on Netflix UK - increasingly the purveyors of the most boring catalogue of films and TV programmes available anywhere. Its the sort of cheap date they are picking up too often these days.)
yelofneb-63037 ***may contain accidental spoilers*** There are movies and there are great movies. This is one of the latter--a magnificently mixed up story about good and bad people and not so good and not so bad people working their way through a crazy hot night in a small Texas town where slowly but surely all hell breaks loose. Even though it sounds like a lead-up to your average and common teen horror flick, The Chase is filled with the best actors in US movie history--even the first ever screen appearance of Robert Redford. It has Marlon Brando, still back in the days before he turned into Marlon the Hutt, with then absolutely gorgeous Angie Dickinson as his wife. Jane Fonda is there but only recognizable for her acting skill.Given such a talented cast, the director, Arthur Penn (Little Big Man and quite a few other little big movies), delivers a tight and perfectly controlled story that builds slowly from languid frustrations through tense dialog, slowly building to a literal explosion. Definitely worth watching.