The Case for Christ
The Case for Christ
PG | 07 April 2017 (USA)
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Based on the true story of an award-winning investigative journalist -- and avowed atheist -- who applies his well-honed journalistic and legal skills to disprove the newfound Christian faith of his wife... with unexpected, life-altering results.

Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
baboothecat Stay out of court!What irks me the most about this tripe is that it claims to be objective. It poses as the "real life" story of a "hard hitting" journalist investigating his wife's newfound faith and how he discovers he's been wrong all along and her wife's is the One True Fatth(TM) The problem is that it's completely dishonest, and nothing about it is objective. In the end, it's really going to wow gullible believers into realizing how "facts" prove their faith, whereas anybody capable of the slightest critical thinking will walk away puzzled at how stupid people can be. Pathetic.
redfort1987 Let me make my biases known from the start. I am a Christian, but not of the American sort, and I rarely watch Christian movies.A friend of mine convinced me to watch this one, and to be frank I wasn't disappointed. Sure, the script was quite simple and you could see the ending coming a mile off, but it was still an enjoyable movie. Would I suggest an atheist, or a non-believer of any sort, to watch this movie? No, the movie clearly tries to work to a climax by portraying the protagonist and other atheists as unreasonable, and unlikable. In my experience there is little hostility towards Christian belief (which is understandable in the case of the protagonist seeing his family situation), instead it's usually a form of apathy. If this had been brought to the fore more clearly that would have done the movie some good. That being said; how atheists are portrayed in this movie is extremely mild compared to how Christians are portrayed in Hollywood movies (i.e. perverted, greedy, weird, untrustworthy and extremely dumb). Quality of the argument: Now I understand no one wants to watch a 1,5 hour debate surrounded by a short story, and so one cannot expect long dialogues about the arguments for the historicity of Jesus' death and resurrection, but a lot more time could have been spent on the counterarguments. Also, there was no full argument given in the movie, all the parts were there, but it would have been better for the audience if the protagonist went through them all at a particular point in the story. Climax of the movie (spoilers): The climax, which I suppose was the point at which the protagonist starts to believe, is completely underwhelming. It's clear he's been given a lot of evidence, but the sudden turn around is completely unreasonable. You would expect some clear (or clearer) indications that his non-belief was crumbling. Or a more explicit portrayal of the frustration which the protagonist must have endured in his failing attempts to show Jesus to be a fraud. The level of resentment towards his wife seems about the same throughout the movie (though that might be because the lead actor isn't quite good at conveying emotions, the wife of the protagonist however was very good) though the dialogue seems to indicate a steady increase in resentment. Given that increase one would expect a more dramatic conversion moment.Is it propaganda or an evangelistic kind of movie? Yes, it clearly is, but what do you expect with that title? Is it worth watching as an atheist? If you can overlook the horrible writing with respect to the atheist, sure. It's not a horrible movie and if you dare walk a bit on the edge with respect to your metaphysical beliefs (or lack thereof) this movie will surely do that. At the very least, if you're the curious sort, it might prompt you to do your own research and either prove Strobel right or wrong.
gibagante_gr Everything you see in this movie falls apart againist two words. PROVE IT!! Science has more truths than this misguided movie.
vancetherussell What I appreciated most about this movie is the fact that this is a true story of Strobel's life & journey. Strobel tells his own story honestly. He didn't want to believe. He didn't want to look at the evidence. I appreciated that Strobel didn't hold back from sharing his true personal struggles. There are many who don't like the movie because it doesn't tell the story that they want to hear. But it tells a true and honest story - both regarding Strobel's life and regarding the historical evidences for Jesus' death and resurrection.