The Christmas Candle
The Christmas Candle
PG | 22 November 2013 (USA)
The Christmas Candle Trailers

Deep in the heart of the English countryside lies the enchanting village of Gladbury. Legend has it every 25 years an angel visits the village candlemaker and touches a single candle. Whoever lights this candle receives a miracle on Christmas Eve. But in 1890, at the dawn of the electric age, this centuries old legend may come to an end.

ManiakJiggy This is How Movies Should Be Made
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
Fulke Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Christmas-Reviewer Christmas movies are a cottage industry. I don't mind watching them because I know the ending will always be happy. Now "The Christmas Candle" is not a great film. The film fails on at almost every level. The film is almost " A Touched By Angel" episode! It never rises above that level. It could of been better What it does well is that it sends the message about hope faith and miracles. The film however redeems itself in the final act and that was a miracle. The film looks beautiful. The sets make you think you are back in the late 19th century. The films screenplay however is borderline terrible but it does have a great final act. In this film Deep in the heart of the English countryside lies the enchanting village of Gladbury. Legend has it every 25 years an angel visits the village candle maker and touches a single candle. Whoever lights this candle receives a miracle on Christmas Eve. But in 1890, at the dawn of the electric age, this centuries old legend may come to an end. Now despite the flaws it is still worth seeing. Family Safe. Most kids will be bored and so will most adults. I did however love the final 10 minutes
Mark McCorkell This film is a mess of undirected ideas. It tries to capture some kind of classic Christmas feeling, but completely misses. Giving credit where it's due, the costumes and location filming are quite nice.Beyond those niceties, the film falls apart. The story is a mess, the moral message unclear. For a film that is trying to put the heart back into Christmas this is a soul-less mess that will not endear itself to any casual viewer.BUT THE REAL REASON I WANTED TO REVIEW THIS ===========================================The first few pages of IMDb reviews are filled with glowing 10/10 reviews by "people" who have never reviewed anything else on IMDb. Most of them praise this movie for bringing back the true Christian spirit of Christmas.Pages of 10/10 reviews for a movie that clearly isn't good by any standard. Is that your message for Christmas? That it's OK to lie and deceive other people, as long as it results in conning them into handing over a few more bucks to see your movie.I'm not a Christian, but that seems immoral to me.
Leah Fisher Great acting. Great script. Great story line. Highly realistic. Overall, a wonderful film. A former pastor, once considered the miracle man, has lost his faith in God's ability to act unchained in the affairs of man, when he is recruited by a woman from the small town of Gladbury to come and teach the people. Times are changing in the world, and technology has begun to outshine the Light of God. However, the townspeople are not ready to accept that God is not no longer able to work miracles. Both the pastor's message, that we should "be the miracle," and that of the townspeople, that we must trust in God and believe He has all power and authority, are prominent throughout the film, and the two themes come together perfectly as the people and their pastor learn from each other and the events of the weeks leading up to Christmas that God truly is the One Who will provide and His is the gift of the Light of Christmas. It was never about the Candle but the blessing of God and the belief that He would do as He promised. "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." John 1:14 Merry Christmas.
susanjogorman I have to be honest and admit that I haven't yet seen this film, but I was so impressed with the tone of the reviews, I had to add this comment. All of the reviews were very high with the obvious exception of people who clearly disclosed themselves to be anti-Christian, left-wing liberal Christmas-haters. I would bet they are the same people who insist that we all say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. It's so sad to see the bitterness and anger that these nay-sayers reflect in their angry you to everyone who took the time to enter a positive review...I am looking forward to seeing the movie!