The Cape Canaveral Monsters
The Cape Canaveral Monsters
| 01 December 1960 (USA)
The Cape Canaveral Monsters Trailers

When a couple are killed in an auto accident their bodies are immediately inhabited by extraterrestrial beings. Taking refuge in an underground cave, the aliens attempt to sabotage the U.S. space program.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
oscar-35 *Spoiler/plot- Cape Canaveral Monsters, 1960. Two alien balls of energy take over the bodies of a car accident victims to wage a war of sabotage against the Air Force new rockets. The aliens kidnap and transmit young humans to their planet to study them. The local Air Force program's Young scientists become the next victims of the alien plot. The police and Air Force take charge.*Special Stars- Jason Johnson, Katherine Victor.*Theme- Space aliens seem to want what they can't have on their own planet.*Trivia/location/goofs- B & W. shot at Bronson Caves and Leo Carillo Beach, Mike boom seen in police car glass in a reflection. It has a weird cliffhanger ending.*Emotion- This film crosses over into film 'exploitation' due its scenes featuring torture, decapitation, and suggested nudity. The female alien seems to have a sexual attraction for the film's distinct seedy exploitation elements. The odd ending is a cliffhanger of sorts with a car crash and female scream. As such, this film is unique and more than just a B-Movie science fiction film.
MartinHafer The man who made this film, Phil Tucker, was one of the worst film directors in history. He was responsible for such travesties as "Dance Hall Racket" and "Robot Monster"--the latter of which was among the films in Harry Medved's book "The Fifty Worst Movies of All Time". Incompetence, bad acting and crappy budgets--all hallmarks of this film legend. So, when I saw that "The Cape Canaveral Monsters" was also made by Tucker, I had to watch it, as I occasionally like a terrible movie. After all, with over 12000 reviews to my credit, I need a few truly horrible films now and again after watching artsy, foreign or silent films. Unfortunately, while "The Cape Canaveral Monsters" is very bad, it never comes close to being as bad as "Robot Monster".The film is supposedly set around Cape Canaveral, Florida. But, being a Floridian, I was amazed to see LOTS of very, very high hills with caves and not a trace of a palm tree or alligator. Frankly, if there WERE caves around Canaveral, they'd be filled up with water, as the land is swampy and very wet. The location was about as un-Canaveral like as you can get--short of filming it in Alaska! The plot involves two bad actors who have stolen human bodies killed in a car accident. Following their assumption of the bodies as their own, the pair destroy rocket test after rocket test, as their planet does not want the humans venturing into space. They also want to collect a few human specimens to take back to their home planet. Two young folks who work for a professor in charge of the rocket program stumble upon these two undead aliens. Can they stop them or is the Earth royally screwed? The story idea is pretty typical of the genre--and isn't that different from Ed Wood's "Plan 9 From Outer Space". And, like "Plan 9", the film has a lot of bad acting, crappy props and the like. Bad movie buffs will love watching the Professor deliver his lines as if he's suffering from a traumatic brain injury. They will also love the one-armed guy who clearly has his arm tucked inside his jumpsuit! But the overall level of badness isn't uniform. The male lead isn't a terrible actor and the editing and direction occasionally don't look horrible. Not exactly glowing endorsements, I know, but things that make the film less attractive to those who seek out the very worst! Bad but not quite bad enough is how I see this one.
dbborroughs The alien invaders using the recent dead is a whole sub-genre of films from Plan Nine From Outer Space to Invisible Invaders and this film filmmakers looking to save a buck by not having to come up with a monster suit. Sadly almost every film from genre are really bad. Sure some of them are fun bad, but they are still bad.Such is the case with Cape Canaveral Monsters. This little mistake has floating balls of light taking over the bodies of a recently deceased couple in order to sabotage the US space program.(and we thought the commies were bad)Dumb it is, fun its not.This is one to avoid-a warning I send out even to bad film lovers-this is just the wrong sort of bad.
Michael_Elliott Cape Canaveral Monsters, The (1960)* (out of 4) A couple aliens from an unknown planet come to Earth where they cause a young couple to crash their car. The aliens then take over their bodies with plans to destroy a place where they are setting off missiles. The aliens are against the missiles so they begin to shoot them out of the sky so it's up to a couple other teens to try and save the day. Rumor, myth or truth, it's said that director Phil Tucker attempted suicide after the horrible reviews of his film ROBOT MONSTER. Who knows how much of that is actually true but this thing here is just about as bad. Those art house crowds would be best to stay away from this thing but if you enjoy bad movies then this one here is about as bad and as stupid as you can get. For starters, the plot makes very little to no sense because the screenplay, also by Tucker, never takes any time to explain what the missiles are being used for and we never really get to know why the aliens want to destroy them. The movie runs 68-minutes and the entire story just jumps around without too much logic. One minute a couple teens will get kidnapped and then the very next scene we have their friends, somehow, knowing the aliens took them so they go to find them. There's never any reasoning as to what's going on and this includes some rather silly devices used by the aliens to control the teens. One of the dumbest things is a running joke about the male alien constantly having his arm ripped off. I'm not sure if this was meant as comedy but it does separate this film from countless other sci-fi flicks from this era because the sight of a severed arm wasn't too common in 1960. The car crash at the start of the film was actually filmed fairly well as the camera was placed in the back seat as the "wreck" happened. That's about the best thing that can be said about this film. I wouldn't say this movie is as enjoyable as ROBOT MONSTER but it would certainly make a decent double-feature with that film.