The Brothers Lionheart
The Brothers Lionheart
| 23 September 1977 (USA)
The Brothers Lionheart Trailers

After brothers Jonathan and Crusty pass away they meet again in Nangijala, the land of eternal spring. Casting a long shadow over their world is the evil tyrant Tengil, ruler of the country Karmanjaka, where he’s building his new fortress up in the The Ancient Mountains.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
morphricky I kind of like the story, at least the beginning and the end. But all the stuff in between is something I've never enjoyed watching and found boring. I've never been a fan of war movies even in the medieval times.I was apart of some after-school activities where they showed this movie in parts each time we were there. Unfortunately my worst memory is that I had to be removed from the room crying in panic because I was so afraid of the dragon Katla. Katla, when I watch the movie today, is so ugly and silly looking that I just snort while trying to hold back a laugh. The flapping of the fake looking wings is just too funny.My biggest gripe with this movie is the acting. Skorpan is just devoid of emotion most of the time and I found him hard to relate to. It's also hard to feel sorry for him or happy with him since you can't really tell what he is feeling. Even when his brother tells him he is going to die Skorpan seems barely responsive. You'd think when your brother laying next to you dying because he's been burned by a dragon would evoke more than an "Oh noez" kind of response.
chirolisa I saw this several times when I lived in Sweden. At first I really didn't "get" it. Then I sat down and read the book in Swedish and got so much more of the context. It still brings tears to my eyes. Beautifully acted, beautifully crafted, and showing so much of Swedish character/persona. What a great film. About the topic of death, it is handled in a way that Americans will find odd, unusual, heartfelt, not horribly pedagogical, certainly without a Hollywood influence. It truly is a different film, with adventure, heartstrings, and love (family, not romantic). Never has the dedication of siblings been so well demonstrated.
david_forsberg86 When I first saw this movie at age of 6, I thought it was the most exiting movie I had ever seen. It teaches children about death in a good way, without getting silly.The storyline is that Karl (Skorpan or Crispy) Lejon is sick and knowing that he soon gonna die. His brother Jonathan tells him about the land Nangijala, a land of tales and campfires (sagornas och lägerledarnas land). Jonathan dies soon after that when trying to save Skorpan from a fire. And soon after that Skorpan dies too. When they first meet up in Nangijala it seems like heaven, Skorpan can ride horses and swim. But soon he finds out that the evil black knight Tengil has enslaved the the village next to them. Skopan and Jonathan then joins the resistance force.As I began this comment, this is a great movie. It is one of the most famous in Sweden, and EVERY swede I know love this movie. I just say too all of you; See this movie.
Mattias I think this film, and of course mainly the book by Astrid Lindgren, is one of the bravest children's movie I have ever seen. I remember as a child, seeing this film on video, and feeling totally absorbed with it, as I had never, until then, seen a movie that dealt with such issues for a child my age.Thoughts moving around life and death are issues that all kids are confronted with, and are issues which evokes questions in the minds of children. Many grown-ups are unable to handle questions from kids regarding death, in these cases I think this film is an exquisite piece of art.But of course the film is not all about death, it is also a movie about bravery, go about and dare to do what frightens you in life, and of course the life altering condition of love, the love between two brothers.It's interesting to hear how Lindgren imaginative work started for this book. She told a Swedish newspaper many years ago that it started out with her walking through a cemetery, which was something she liked to do, and seeing the grave of two brothers. Then a time after, that she attended a press conference for the casting of a film based on one of her books, after the press conference the leading actor (a seven-year old) walked down the stage and sat down in his older brothers knee and the older brother kissed him on the forehead, which was something she found very moving; by then she knew her next story was going to be about two brothers. The final imaginative episode was when she went with the train in northern Sweden, she told it as being a cold winter day, "a day when it was as beautiful as if it wasn't of this earth" by then she knew that the story was to involve the question of death, and a life after this.
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