The Bleeding House
The Bleeding House
| 20 April 2011 (USA)
The Bleeding House Trailers

The Smiths -- a family with a secret past -- are visited by a sweet-talking southern gentleman who is looking for small town humanity. But they'll soon find out that kindness towards strangers is not always rewarded, and the secretive stranger will find redemption does not always come easy.

Cortechba Overrated
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Carlos Idelone I liked the rather forlorn atmosphere of this film, of a family isolated, stuck in its own past, crumbling in on itself. A dearth of colour and chatter added to this effect. Into this dismal setting, walks the star of this melodrama, a forsaken traveller, whose voice gives more colour to the movie, than any visual. He (Patrick Breen) is the most charming homicidal lunatic, that you'll ever come across in film. The film moves slowly, but deliberately along, to the languid tone of his voice. His patter often results in some very dry, black humour. Surprisingly, in the end, the family's own dark secret is so bizarre, it actually outdoes and amazes our spooky stranger, which isn't too easy to do. Their are very few films, which I would watch multiple times, but this is one of them.
cliff52 I disagree with the negative reviews but it's probably because this film is a bit deeper than most. The back story is intriguing and is revealed slowly and subtly. The classic quotes are worth catching and exploring to deepen your understanding of what the filmmaker intended. The characters are memorable and the acting is superb. Horror fans have to wait a bit for the classic elements of their genre to begin. Those sensitive to the artistic elements might be offended by the explicit violence. It is the juxtaposition of the artistic content and the gore that might have prevented the film developing an audience. I love the storytelling and the slowly creeping horror and mystery of this film and it will bear a second watching to catch the finer points. The filmmaker leaves some room for your imagination, too. Not for everyone, but a treat for some!
Andrea Stocco The Bleeding House was an absolute surprise. I was expecting one of the many gory serial-killer- gets-into-the-house kind of movie, but this movie is, instead quite different. First, the gore is minimal, and the blood shown on screen is limited to the necessary amount required by the story (it plays an important and symbolic role for one of the characters). Second, the traditional scares (i.e., the assassin jumps out of the corner) are basically non-existent. The movie takes its strength from the eerie atmosphere, which is drenched in dysfunctional family relationships and broken characters looking for redemption. Predictable in its plot, but beckettian and original in its execution, with a pace that takes its strength by being consciously slowed down (even when the killer strikes, he seems to do so with a Bressonian lack of speed in its movement) instead of sped up, the movie has definitely something new to add to the genre. While the final revelation of the family secret is disappointing, the confrontation between the two killers (and main characters) is interesting and well-done, and gives a gruesome and chilling spin to everybody's quest for meaning in life---and empirical lack thereof.
ddivahannah Reading some of these reviews I expected it to be a complete flop. Well, though some may agree that it is, I think it deserves a little credit since it was somewhat entertaining. Yes the special effects were cheesy and unrealistic, but the storyline was decent and had potential. I think the worst scene in the movie was when the cops showed up. They could have depicted that a bit differently to make it more believable. I honestly think if a larger movie company would have picked it up, they could have made it 10x's better. Though I was entertained, I definitely would have been disappointed if I had to actually pay to see this movie so I am glad I caught it on Netflix. Not bad option to pass the time though.