The Best of Sex and Violence
The Best of Sex and Violence
| 05 February 1982 (USA)
The Best of Sex and Violence Trailers

Hosted by John Carradine, this tape is a compilation of scenes from and previews for various exploitation films.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
VividSimon Simply Perfect
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Michael_Elliott Best of Sex and Violence, The (1981) ** (out of 4) John Carradine hosts this documentary that shows trailers to countless horror, exploitation, sexploitation and blaxploitation pictures from the 60s to the late 70s. I'm sure when this film was originally released it was a great guide for fans of the genres to see pictures and then try to rent them at their local stores. I'm sure store owners would love having a copy of this because if people were willing to rent this then more than likely they were willing to come back for the films featured here. Many people love watching trailers but I'm not one of them yet I enjoyed this video because of Carradine. I was expecting just random jokes and discussion but that wasn't the case because everything Carradine says matches up to watch we're actually seeing. If we see a trailer for THE DOBERMAN GANG he will make a joke or comment on that film. There's a section on sexploitation that shows trailers for Cinderella (1977) and EMANUELLE AROUND THE WORLD and Carradine mentions that these sex pictures are great for certain things because when he was a kid he only had the Sears Catalog. The screenwriters also allow Carradine time to joke about his own life including some of the films he's made as well as a very funny joke about his old buddy Errol Flynn and another joke about Cecil B. DeMille. What really shocked me as well is how energized Carradine is. He was certainly just picking up a paycheck but that doesn't keep him from going all out and delivers a fun little performance. He also manages to show off his comic timing and he actually makes the majority of the jokes work. One of the best moments happens towards the end when his sons David and Keith make a cameo appearance and joke with their dad about borrowing the car and money. This little sequence is quite a priceless moment. It's also worth noting that the majority of the prints shown look horrible and it's funny to think that before DVD this is how fans had to view these films. Other trailers include: THE SIN OF ADAM AND EVE, THE BOOGEYMAN, I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE, ZOMBIE, BEYOND ATLANTIS, THE TWILIGHT PEOPLE, DR. MIX, DR. BLACK MR HYDE, SHE DEVILS IN CHAINS and countless others.
Woodyanders The wonderfully lurid lay it all out on the table outrageous title does not lie! This resolutely seamy pip does indeed spew forth 28 of the most spectacularly loopy, torrid and trashy 70's and 80's exploitation trailers to ever ooze their slimy way across the big screen. In fact, this blithely brazen schlockfest is often downright mesmerizing in all its marvelously meretricious magnificence.There's plenty of sexy, shapely and positively succulent unclad distaff skin on gloriously abundant display throughout: Among the luscious ladies who doff their duds and bare their beautiful bodies are the adorable Cheryl "Rainbeaux" Smith (the soft-core musical version of "Cinderella"), vampy Russ Meyer starlet Edy Williams ("Dr. Minx" with William Smith), superb six foot drink of dirty blonde water Dixie Lee Peabody ("Bury Me An Angel"), the perpetually naked Laura Gemser ("Emmanuelle Around the World"), a pre-Prince Vanity ("Tanya's Island"), and a double dose of the delectable Claudia Jennings ("The Singles Girls" and the rowdy redneck romp "Truck Stop Women;" the latter also features Uschi Digard). Fans of the awesomely bountiful Phyllis Davis get to see a lot of this under-appreciated actress' substantial assets in the memorably sleazy trailers for "Sweet Suger" and "Terminal Island." Even better still, the ravishing Cassandra "Elvira" Peterson shows off her considerable smoking hot stuff in the fantastic promo for "The Working Girls." Other transcendently tacky trailers include the eerie "Tourist Trap," the enjoyably dippy "Beyond Atlantis," the simply daft "Fairytales" (one of Linnea Quigley's first-ever flicks), the still quite disgusting after all these years immortal jewel "I Spit On Your Grave," the histrionic "Zombie" ("If you loved 'Dawn of the Dead,' you'll just eat 'Zombie'!"), and much more. The biggest laughs stem from the uproariously insane "Dr. Black and Mr. Hyde" spot, thanks to said plug's inspired use of profane free-form proto-rap phrasing ("Don't give him no sass/Or he'll kick yo a**!"). However, the arrogant Rudy Ray Moore's mighty troika of over-the-top ridiculous ads for "Dolemite," "The Human Tornado," and the especially gut-busting "Disco Godfather" ("We're flying high on a disco trip!") are likewise totally sidesplitting. Hosted by an obnoxiously supercilious and seriously under the weather John Carradine (sons David and Keith briefly pop up at the very end), directed by Ken Dixon of "Filmgore" infamy, produced by the tireless Charles Band, scripted with a wince-worthy emphasis on dreadful puns by Frank Ray Perilli (who also wrote "Laserblast," "Parasite," and "Mansion of the Doomed" for Band), and topped off with a hard-thrashing Richard Band rock score, this cheerfully degenerate cavalcade of pure rancid cinematic swill qualifies as essential viewing for hardcore fans of celluloid depravity.
christopher-underwood It's not really any thanks to Mr Dixon that this is such fun. The John Carradine links are at best vaguely amusing and at worst, inaudible or embarrassing. It is astonishing towards the end when even sons David and Keith are somehow talked into appearing, but dad does say something to the effect that have they no work to do to which there is a mumbled reply suggesting that maybe not after this! So embarrassing for the Carradines and just a few blaxploitation fight scenes too many, that seem not even to come under the overall title, but still the sordid 70s product shines through! Particularly good to see the 'I Spit On Your Grave' trail and an interesting one for 'Tourist Trap' and a film called, 'Single Girls', which was new to me and had the line; (whether from the film or just the trailer) 'If we can't get a man easy, then we get him hard'. the overlong blaxploitation segment starts well with, 'Dolemite' and 'Human Tornado' both spoken over by the man himself. All in all an interesting document and a super snapshot of a unique period of cinema history.
rlcsljo My god! Did the producers of the movies these trailers were from really think that anyone would spend their hard earned two dollars to watch this trash. What is surprising is how many of them really thought this trash would fly.However, collectively this compendium is a hilarious reminder of the simplicity of the human mind and how little it has evolved over 70 to 80 years of movie making.If any words over two syllables gives you a headache and you have the attention span of a firefly, you will love this film?