The Best of Me
The Best of Me
PG-13 | 17 October 2014 (USA)
The Best of Me Trailers

A pair of former high school sweethearts reunite after many years when they return to visit their small hometown.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
hardenjenny A brilliant romance/chick flick. Loved the characters, loved the actors, loved the plot!Found this while I was browsing for a new chick flick and I will definitely watch again. Loved it!
juneebuggy You know what to expect before going into this: a star-crossed romance for lovers from different worlds, kisses in the rain, flashbacks, moonlight swims, fateful separations and the tragic death of at least one leading character.The scenery along the way is beautiful though and I enjoyed both the leads James Marsden & Michelle Monaghan but the story is pretty bland and I would say this in one of the weaker Nicholas sparks adaptions.It follows Amanda and Dawson, soul mates who met as teens, joining them decades later after they are torn apart by circumstances beyond their control. They of course have never forgotten each other and get a second chance when the passing of an old friend sees them "willed" back to his house to fulfill his final wishes. As they get reacquainted we flashback to them as teens, which was strangely done . It was meant to be 1993 but for some reason the director had it in his head to make it appear like the 1950's, with flouncy poodle skirts, drive ins and just a general feel. Honestly I won't remember this in about weeks time.
Lili I have to say i LOVE movies by Nicholas Sparks and this movie was no exception. This film made me tear up a fair few times, it was a beautiful storyline with so much feeling. The connection between Dawson and Amanda is amazing. the end of the story was very touching. i slightly saw it coming about 10 minutes before hand but was very beautiful. Although if you tend to cry at a movie get a box of tissues ready because you will definitely need them.9/10 would recommend!
Anuj Kumar I myself did not find any love nor believe too much in anything like that.Still I find the story line of the movie well scripted. The portrayal was good. Though the ending could easily be guessed and surprises or shocks there. Still the overall movie was lovely.I have watched a lot better and worse movie in romance genre so I will term this one mediocre in my opinion. Still a one time watch for sure without any doubt.Acting was good but not too good to get carried away by it. It was good and well crafted piece of cinema.