The Bermuda Depths
The Bermuda Depths
| 27 January 1978 (USA)
The Bermuda Depths Trailers

Scientists pursuing the mysteries of the deep are threatened by a beautiful girl who seems to have returned from the dead and by a prehistoric sea creature that dwells in the deadly Bermuda Triangle.

PodBill Just what I expected
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
bayardhiler Anyone who's ever been to the beach or read about the oceans knows how vast and immense they really are and I think it's safe to say that most of us at one point have wondered what might lie beneath them. Whether it's ancient tales of sea monsters or supernatural entities, there's no shortage of ideas. Of course, countless Hollywood films have had a helping hand in all that too. However, there are very few films that have managed to effectively combine the ideas of the supernatural and that of sea monsters like 1978's made for TV film "The Bermuda Depths". Starring Leigh McCloskey, Carl Weathers, Connie Sellecca, and Burl Ives, it's a tale about a doomed romance involving a young, scared man, a mysterious woman who lives beneath the waves, and a very big sea turtle.It all starts with childhood images of drifter Magnus Dens (Leigh McCloskey), images that show him as a child playing with a little girl on the beach and more horrific sights that involve the death of his father. Grown up, Magnus has come back to the island of Bermuda to solve the mystery of his father's death and in the process, ends up working with his old friend Eric (Apollo Creed himself, Carl Weathers) who, in partnership with a Dr. Paulis (Burl Ives), is on a quest himself to find out what mysterious, large creature is stalking the waters off the island. However, things become more complicated for Magnus when he meets a mysterious woman named Jennie Haniver (Connie Sellecca), a girl we quickly discover is not all she seems. What follows is a saga of mystery and loss.As mentioned earlier "The Bermuda Depths" is definitely not like your average sea tale, due to its combination of sea spirits and sea monsters and it is largely because of this that make "Depths" as memorable as it is. Credit for this has to go in part to Arthur Rankin Jr. the same man who had a hand in producing the Christmas classic "Frosty The Snowman". The story is memorable not only because of its combination of ideas, but also because of its ability to weave a story of mystery, love, and in the end, tragedy that will haunt you long after the credits roll. In fact, it might be because of that factor that the movie is memorable as it is and I can also see why it was so memorable to those who saw it as kids in the 70's. It also helps that the actors give the best performance they can, be it Leigh McCloskey as the scared Magnus Dens, who desperately tries to unlock the mysteries of the past without realizing the cost; Carl Weathers as Eric, who has adopted the mind set of Capt. Ahab in his obsession to find the beast, Burl Ives as Dr. Paulis, a man who tries to warn Eric about the dangers of his obsession; and Connie Sellecca as the beautiful and mysterious Jennie, a woman who longs for love but is unable to attain it due to a promise she made centuries ago, and because of what she is. All in all, "The Bermuda Depths" is a movie for those looking for a little mystery, a good story, and something a little different. So I urge you to check out this little gem from TV's golden era and remember, if you should happen to meet a beautiful girl named Jennie Haniver on the beach someday, your best bet is to walk away and never look back. Directed by Tsugunobu Kotani (as Tom Kotani)
robert-992 I was a little older, 16, when this aired. Yet still, I too have been haunted by this movie for all these years. Every few years I would dream of it yet again. I never could recall the title. I have received many concerning stares from people when I would ask, "do you know the love story movie about the super giant turtle in the bermuda triangle with the closing scene of the guy throwing his necklace into the ocean and it floating over the giant turtle?" Even 3 weeks ago, my wife threatened to have me committed for asking about the 'non-existen' movie again. Ahh, but now we live in the Internet age and FINALLY, I have found all my kindred haunted souls, and the name of the movie. I sure wish they would release this on DVD. The bootleg copies out there are pretty bad, but my soul is finally restful. I have watched it 3 times in 2 weeks now.I also would do most anything to get a copy of the full lenght release!
burlyd114 I am absolutely shocked at how may kids of the 70's this movie has stuck with after all these years! Like everyone else, I was 7 or 8 and never forgot this movie. I've mentioned it in passing several times and always got a crazy look. A movie about sea turtles? I thought I was the only one who remembered the giant sea turtle movie, or maybe I dreamed up the whole thing. Should I ever have the opportunity to see this horribly wonderful movie again, I'm sure I'll ask myself what the amazement with the movie was about in the first place. I'd LOVE to see it again - along with Lucan the wolf boy. Make sure you sign the petition at the website listed in a previous comment!
hodorhodorhodor I don't know why it affected so many people so. I was probably about 7 the first time. Like most, I've remembered it off and on for years, and couldn't remember the title. For some reason, I thought it was "Archelon" Maybe a local station changed it or something. I agree that it echos a lot of the feel to blue lagoon, as well as the unexpectedly creepy feel to "something wicked this way comes" and "the watcher in the woods" that stick with you forever. Perhaps it was the age, but I also remember "filling in" details that were left out, or that would fit the logical holes in the story.Still, I would love to see this film again. I too, signed the petition, and its up to 1,600 something now.