The Apocalypse
The Apocalypse
| 22 May 2007 (USA)
The Apocalypse Trailers

A mother and a father search for their only child as a giant asteroid headed for Earth, triggering a series of apocalyptic events.

Wordiezett So much average
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
michael1005 Watching this movie over and over might give an unbeliever a glimpse of what it might feel like to be in Hell, because going through this movie should amount to torture.Besides all of the of the script issues, the sound was constantly coming in and out making paying attention to this very tedious. There are things you expect from a movie that sports a Bible verse on it's cover and says it is produced by "Faith Films", and talks about "end times." One is that the producers and writers might actually know something about the Bible. It is apparent that the producers and writers were simply inspired by the genre of a religious apocalyptic flick and wrote their own story. It did not adhere to any of the eschatological views known to Christians. In fact, "Rapture Palooza", which was a spoof/parody of this film genre was more accurate, and that movie had Christ get blown up at the end.
twa1959 I watched the movie in its entirety. I will likely not watch it again, at least not for its entertainment value. Yes, it is a forgettable movie, but it poses a very thoughtful question for both the "Believer" and the "Non-Believer" alike: Is my faith genuine Faith? First the bad, and there is plenty that is bad. An "Epic Thriller", it is not. As a movie it is not visually remarkable in any way. As a story, it lacks originality, does not engage one's emotions and takes no time to provide any depth to its characters. As an exercise in film-making, it is poorly executed: There is no recognizable plot; the pace is tedious and uneven; the dialog is predictable and largely uninspired; the acting is pedestrian at best and amateurish at worst; the Special Effects range from pretty good to really bad. Most disappointing was the musical score, which was decent but excessively repetitive and the overall sound quality, which was very poor. That being said, c'mon folks, why such high expectations? This is an ASYLUM production, so of course it isn't going to be Armageddon or Deep Impact or even 2012.Apparently most reviewers thought they would see a SciFi film. Some reviewers were surprised by the religious overtones but I'm not sure why, as references to religion and "Faith" were plastered all over the packaging. Most "Christian" reviewers complained that it was not Biblical, and while one could successfully debate the soundness of some parts of Christian eschatology as it is presented, the events depicted are found in the Book of Revelation. I have watched a lot of Christian movies, and frankly most of them have left me unsatisfied on all counts. The portrayal of Christians and the Christian Faith is usually clichéd and over simplistic. Contrived story lines follow the predictable path of personal redemption as a life is transformed from contemptible to virtuous, with one dimensional characters that more closely resemble cartoons rather than human beings. The result is a depiction of a life experience so alien to the average person that one would be hard pressed to find any applicability to their own lives, hampering its ability to deliver the intended message.So what is good about this film? Not much. In this film "Faith" is frequently spoken about by most of the characters, but the nature of that Faith is not adequately explained, so it fails to successfully bear witness to the Christian Faith. The characters are underdeveloped, but in a refreshing break from the standard formula they aren't the same old good guys vs. bad guys, and here lies a savory nugget in a kettle full of tasteless mush. As you meet the characters, with one or two exceptions, you can't really tell the difference between Christian and non-Christian (sadly this is an accurate reflection of reality), as most everyone appears to have some faith or belief in God. But, as this is a film based on Revelation, true believers are eventually separated from the rest and the viewer may be surprised to see who falls into which category. No, its not enough to spare this film the criticism it deserves, but I believe keeps it from being branded an utter waste, for in this way the film asks profoundly troubling questions for anyone who thinks they are a Christian: Is my Faith genuine enough for God? Will I be surprised at the end?
PhilipGHarris Apocalypse is defined by the dictionary as both: an event involving great and widespread destruction and/or the final destruction of the world, as described in the biblical book of Revelation.This event did almost cause great and widespread destruction of my brain. But lets continue anyway.Firstly we meet a group of unrelated friends who seem to be the first victims of said biblical event. One dies during an "unluckiest pee ever" type event and that already, having brought tears to my eyes (laughter) is one reason to watch the first few minutes of this movie.Another dies soon after having failed to notice the large magma rock in front of him (clumsy).The titles roll and we meet Jason and his friend (I think he must have been Travis). They're on call out - although there job remains unclear until later, Park Rangers apparently. They've been called out to a large asteroid that seems to have impacted into someones house - I assume Park Rangers job descriptions have increased somewhat.They fail to be able to resolve this problem and drive off into a shower of meteors.Jason has a number of scenes where he looks in amazement (wooden amazement) at things the viewer can't see. Initially you can forgive this as a budget saving device. After the third time...The film flits between Jason and Ashley (his estranged wife who throughout the film reminds him to pray, re-take God into his life, although it appears Jason didn't want him there in the first place and nagging him to find their daughter). And Lindsay and Andrew who are staying put until mum comes for Lindsay as mum managed to get a clear line through even though a major center was destroyed by an asteroid.The apocalypse seems to mean that people can wheel their bikes into churches, landslides occur on what seems to be flat ground, People disappear (although I'm not sure about Travis and the dog... I think he just stole it), bankers to do horrendously bad hijacks lying in the middle of the road when all other people are disappearing so he should be able to find a car somewhere and estranged wives to say, "I love you", when her and her husband come across a number of abandoned cars.After a twister rips Lindsay's house apart and Andrew (it's only a flesh wound) lies around feeling sorry for himself it is clear that this was filmed by a busy airport as you can constantly hear sounds of planes landing taking off and generally buzzing around. (Sound engineer anyone?) And then suddenly the special effects department pull a stunner (for them) out of the bag as Jason and Ashley's plane is caught in a meteor storm.They survive the crash (Hmmmm!) only for Ashley to be killed by a broken cross - which is possibly the second most amusing part of the film.I won't spoil the ending but must add that although the music is well done at the beginning it is obvious that they ran out of ideas and the same tune seems to drag through the whole film until at the end they finally use something different. Unfortunately this tune was made famous in my country to advertise bread and so the impact is not quite the same.I've only rated this with 2 stars as it certainly gave me some laughs. Although that, I cannot believe, was the intention.
jorgen1977 Simply a horrible movie. The part before the title came up was OK, after that it just got plain stupid. Lack of continuity, lack of explanation of events (like how they survived the plain crash, it was cut straight after they started falling down) and ridiculously long and pathetic dialogues. The guy mixing the sound did his best to try to hide them through putting in very loud music so only parts of them could be heard though. I tried adjusting all the audio settings I had on my system, but it was just no way of hearing the dialogue in some parts. I don't believe in God, but even if I did I can't imagine he ever would stage an apocalypse like this.To sum it up: Don't watch this BS, and if you do, be sure to stack up a whole lot of beer to help you get through it.