The Apartment
The Apartment
R | 11 November 1996 (USA)
The Apartment Trailers

Max is a former playboy who has decided to settle down by marrying his current love, Muriel. However, when Max catches a glimpse of the great lost love of his life, he becomes obsessed with rekindling their relationship.

RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
rbferre I just watched this movie by chance as a friend of mine who lives in Paris recommended as a way to see Paris in a different way. And I got much more than that! Precise direction, great acting, and carefully engineered storytelling with the charming but non-touristic Paris as background.Without giving too much up, you will need to watch this movie when you are in the right mood for it. In a dark room, paying attention to the details. I was surprised how I got hooked by the story, which is a combination of "Midsummer Night's Dream", "Rear Window", and 1940's noir movies (North by Northwest for example), but in a colorful palette.Brillian start of careers for Cassel and the young French actress Romane Bohringer (who plays Alice). Belucci, despite not being a powerful actress, steals every scene she is on even when she does not say a word.Finally, I felt something that I had not felt in a while with movies: to be in the shoes of the character - and this is because of the sublime direction, without weird techniques and slowly building the climax everyone starts anticipating since the middle of the movie...But until you get there you will need to go through some not-so-predictable twists until you are back to reality. That much more than overcomes small holes in the plot that I consciously chose to ignore.Enjoy!!!
John Francisco A lot has already been written about the film itself, so instead of adding to the noise I just want to say a few words on the two female actors.It has to be a daunting prospect for any actress to star, in a sense, versus the spectacular Monica Bellucci, but Romane Bohringer pulls it off to sensational ends. A film starring Monica Bellucci where I fall in love with the other girl?? That's not supposed to happen.It's been said a thousand times, but Monica Bellucci strikes the saddest figure in modern cinema. I have never before seen such innate sadness. She would not be out of place breaking Lon Chaney's heart.
jimakros -SPOILERS------------ I am a fan of 60's-70's french cinema but not necessarily of the more modern,so to be honest i watched this because of Bellucci.She is very young here,extremely beautiful and on top of this supposedly this movie is where they met with Cassel,so it gives it some extra importance.The movie begins with a very nice style reminiscent of DePalma.Then suddenly we are thrown to flashback,and the back and forth goes on which gets tiring.I don't mind one flash back,but do it and get it over with man!!!Anyway,the movie is still interesting to me until a point when the first and definite hole in the plot,that allows for the rest of the story,never lets me enjoy the rest.I can allow for little holes here and there,but not to base an entire plot on hot air.This is the story of a man who is literally searching for an old flame.This is the main plot.I will go along,when the story at some point will convince me that there are really mysterious things going on,but in this story there's nothing really mysterious.Bellucci-Cassel are a couple ,then Bellucci urgently has to leave for some job in Italy(not the farthest place on earth from Paris)and she leaves him a message,which for reasons later explained he doesn't get.OK,so what?Don't these people have phones?Supposedly she was away for 2months(not a century exactly) and wouldn't she call her boyfriend in Paris to see how he's doing? Of course not.Instead,even after she gets back she forgets all about him.And thats fine,but later in the movie she tells her friend that it was her greatest love and was ready to commit for the first time in her life.Yet she failed to give him a call for 2months and then never tried to get back with him.And what about Cassel's character?He was supposedly unable to locate her in Italy,really hard to find someone in Italy,its probably like Siberia,especially an actress who is probably listed even in the arts papers.And after 2months when she would be back,really hard to find her and ask for an explanation. One thinks she wanted to avoid him,but no,we find out they simply couldn't meet.So hard to meet in Paris. OK,i don't need to go further,because this is the incident where the entire movie is based. What is even worse,Bellucci is not really the star of this movie but this other girl Bohringer is.
vostf Naivety can be touching or naivety can be exasperating. Here it simply ebbs and flows between dully and dumbly exasperating.I almost watch it till the end but I could stand it no longer at 93 minutes out of 111. Not that it became worse but it didn't improve, it went on mechanically unreeling its protracted plot and I was no longer expecting it to have something looking like an end. Or worse if possible: I was fearing some kind of an über-melodramatically-tragic ending (please don't tell me, I don't give a damn). Grumf! it's not often that I'm so bored that I dare be impolite enough to leave before the end.Simply put: the director is really really bad, hence performances are always bordering pathetic. The plot structure is... (well I'm not sure somebody understood plot structure on this production) loose thus lousy. We first come to learn the setup through a series of flashbacks which only dilute the exposition over more than 30 minutes (you're speaking of an ordeal!) when nothing moves forward. So we know everything through Max's POV, which is nothing compare to what happens when the director switches (by mistake I guess) to another POV where we know exactly what happens. And the director still thinks he's clever, unveiling new bits and parts of his beloved flashbacks that fill in the blanks. I heard of a director dubbed the master of suspense; please meet the master of procrastination.At least there's one good thing in this overblown mess: art direction and location scouting in Paris are great.(note to self: never buy a DVD for 3 bucks again)