The Amazing Screw-On Head
The Amazing Screw-On Head
NR | 20 August 2006 (USA)
The Amazing Screw-On Head Trailers

Based on the award-winning comic book by Mike Mignola (creator of Hellboy), The Amazing Screw-On Head chronicles the adventures of a Civil War-era secret agent with an extraordinary special power who serves under president Abraham Lincoln.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
TheLittleSongbird I would see anything that was animated seeing as I am a big fan of the genre. I absolutely loved The Amazing Screw-On Head. The animation style is very detailed and because I haven't seen anything like it I'd also go as far to say it's unique. The story affectionately reminds one of the comic book style, and it goes at a cracking pace. The sound effects are always in place and never take away from The Amazing Screw-On Head's atmosphere. The humour is very off-beat and done in a hilariously witty way, helped by the snappy pacing. And there is a lot of it that you are in danger of missing something. The characters are wonderful right down to the inspired names, the monsters are instantly lovable, Screw-On Head is a hero one can identify with wholly and the villains are appropriately sinister without falling into stereotype land. The vocal characterisations are also spot on, Paul Giamatti and David Hyde Pierce have seldom disappointed and they certainly don't here with Pierce especially relishing his role.Overall, a very aptly named animated short film...The Amazing Screw-On Head really is amazing. 10/10 Bethany Cox
foothill_warrior I don't recall how i stumbled across this as I am not a rabid comic geek - but I am glad I did. It may be I was searching for other examples of "steampunk" (as I am a China Mieville fan) - of which this is to me a perfect example.If you ever complained about overly predictable movies - this animation is not one. It is a wild ride from start to end with bizarre characters and story that you won't enjoy if you try too hard to analyze. So don't try too hard - just open your mind and enjoy the ride.I loved the poncy voicing style which fit the characters and the dry humor perfectly ("permit me to say poppycock" "you may" "poppycock.."). I also loved the silly but very original little touches like the "remote control flapping lips" on the Lincoln picture when he "telephoned" SOH - the first avatar.
rampant1970 If you missed Amazing Screw-On Head from Sci-Fi channel, then rent, buy or download it now! This short animated film is brilliant, hilarious, and perfectly employs the visual textures and grimy, baroque aesthetic of Mike Mignola's world. It uses elements of Lovecraft, Universal Monsters, steampunk mecha, and Wild Wild West to plunge the viewer into a completely absorbing adventure.Amazing Screw-On Head is stylistically superior to both the 2004 live-action Hellboy and the 2006 Hellboy Animated: Sword of Storms. This production has more in common with Mignola's concept work on Bram Stoker's Dracula, Blade II, and Disney's Atlantis. His monsters are both horrific and lovable, his hero is upright (when attached to his body), and his villains are truly sinister.Attn Cartoon Network and Sci-Fi: Screw-On Head should be a template for future Hellboy and BPRD animated specials.
Trumpeteer34 I absolutely love this show! I love the humor and the detail that was put into each character. Emperor Zombie is now one of my all time favorite animated villains, not just for his witty remarks, but he is so excellently drawn! Abraham Lincoln is also an awesome character, along with Mr. Groin, Patience, and Amazing Screw-On Head himself.This show surprised me. I half expected it to be some odd show that I wouldn't like, but, boy, was I wrong. The show is odd, to be truthful, but it is hilarious! The story and the characters are easy to get into and understand. This is now one of my all time favorite animated shows! The pilot on July 27th on the SciFi channel was phenomenal. I can't wait for the rest of the series.
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