The Time Tunnel
The Time Tunnel
| 06 June 2006 (USA)
The Time Tunnel Trailers

In 2006, an experiment of the Department of Energy in hot fusion to produce energy releases a storm in time along 240 minutes, changing history. Only the personnel in the core of the laboratory know the true story and now they need to fix points in the history that have been punctually changed. The bureaucrat and former Marine Doug Phillips is a family man that is recruited by his friend Flynn to join an expedition to 1944 due to his great knowledge of the Battle of Hürtgen Forest in Germany. The team formed by Doug, Flynn, Toni Newman, J.D. and Wix is assigned to find a monk from 1546 that has been accidentally transported to the spot and is the carrier of Black Plague.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
HawksRevenge This is a decent 60 minute Pilot that see's Doug Phillips back and Toni Newman is a woman instead of a man as in the original. This pilot seems to lay everything out, but really adds nothing to the original premise. The time tunnel here is very underwhelming(The original took up an entire sound stage)The characters from the original such as Raymond Swain, Dr Ann McGregor, and General Heywood Kirk are all missing here.The reason for the time travel is to correct 240 anomalies caused by a mistake and supposedly every episode would solve an anomaly.This show as not picked up because it seemed too much like Stargate SG-1 and was obviously ripping it off in more ways than one!!
j7lr I just watched this pilot. I loved it! It reminded me of my childhood. It is the TV series I loved the most when I was a kid. The remake is amazing. Since the movie starts, you are captured by it. It takes you back to a time and place you haven't lived and you feel you're part of the team, you think you're with them, trying to mend the unleashed reaction caused by scientists when they discovered the "hot fusion". You accompany these fellows in this fantastic journey and you enjoy every single minute of it.The characters are credible. The story has some jokes, drama, fantasy. It's just great. When the movie ended I was waiting for more. Unfortunately, new episodes haven't been made yet. I'm pretty sure we'll have them soon. I'm looking forward to it!
davidm-14 excellent, for a pilot. the characters are as fleshed out as they can be in 50 or so minutes, while still having time to explain the concept for the tunnel itself, which looks great. i found myself looking for lee meriwether or james darren in the background someplace. this is a superior reworking of the original 60's "time tunnel", except the characters return after completing each mission. the concept, a fix-the-errors-in-time-that-not-everyone-remembers scenario is somewhat more interesting than the original guys-bouncing-around-aimlessly plots that were used originally. i guess i can see why this probably wasn't picked up as a series. it would have been too closely compared to "stargate", which was a ripoff of sorts of the original. i still wish someone would start a network that shows nothing but unaired pilots. some of them are fascinating.
Steve Riley **MINOR SPOILERS**I finally managed to get hold of this movie and watched it last night.When I'd finished, I just could not believe that the networks failed to pick this up and commission a series.But then again, considering all the sub-standard, mindless s**t that not only gets commissioned but keeps returning season after season ad nauseum - thereby speaking volumes about the collective lack of taste of TV execs and great swathes of the viewing masses at large - maybe it's not such a shock that this excellent remake (perhaps "reimagining" would be a better description) of the classic '60s show was shelved. Some things never change even after 4 decades (case in point: the original "Time Tunnel" was axed after a 30-episode single season, while the camp, puerile drivel that was "Lost In Space" ran to over 80 episodes across 3 seasons). These people wouldn't recognise quality television if it came up behind them and bit them in the backside.But rant over! Back to the film itself. In the present day (2002), a secret offshoot of the U.S. Department of Energy has built an experimental Time Tunnel, but their meddling with time has created a "time storm" that's somehow rippled across history and caused subtle changes to the present (for example the U.S. now only has 49 states, and the New York Yankees baseball team have become the Boston Yankees). Only the team in the Time Tunnel complex have somehow been shielded from these changes, so only they can remember how things used to / "should" be. To prevent the changes becoming more serious, a team is dispatched back to the Battle of the Huertgen Forest on the border between Germany and Belgium in late 1944 to try and put things right. Disguised as a team of American GIs from that period, their mission is to find a man from the sixteenth century that the time storm has somehow picked up and dumped in 1944 (although exactly how and why this happened is never really explained), as it is believed that his displacement in time is somehow the catalyst for the unwanted changes to history.I thought that this whole film was very nicely done. There are some cool state-of-the-art special effects and the Time Tunnel itself looks pretty awesome. The 1944 battlefield backdrop to the action, along with the uniforms of the German and U.S. troops, are also very realistic, and the combat scenes looked like something straight out of "Band Of Brothers" or "Saving Private Ryan": Very impressively crafted indeed.There are one or two nice tributes to the original Time Tunnel series also: One of the central characters is again called Doug Phillips - although perhaps in a nod to 21st century political correctness, the original series' Tony Newman has now become "Toni Newman", one of two no-nonsense female members of the time-travel team. When Doug is initially brought into the complex, it's explained that the team would be "going into freefall" down into the main complex in some futuristic elevator (exactly as happened in the pilot of the original 1960s series) and the idea of the Time Tunnel accidentally lifting a person out of one past era and dumping him in another to cause mayhem there came straight from the original series episode "The Death Merchant" - then it was Machiavelli, this time round a young Medieval monk.One way in which this version of "Time Tunnel" differs though is that while in the original series it was explained that history only happens once and cannot be altered - thereby essentially rendering the time travellers mere spectators to historic events - this time around we're told that history is fluid and CAN be changed, so the time travellers need to take great care not to upset the temporal applecart - definite shades of "Timecop" here. Also, while the original 1960s time travellers were lost in the temporal vortex and could only be bounced around from one era to another by the boffins back in the lab, here the team at the complex can bring the time travellers back with no problem.The version of the film that I watched clocked in at 52 minutes. But according to this page on IMDb, it's 120 minutes long. This makes me wonder whether there are in fact two versions floating around out there??But whether it's 52 minutes or 120 minutes - I would strongly recommend that anyone who enjoys a good time travel story or is a fan of the original "Time Tunnel" series should pull out all the stops to try and get hold of this film. It really is a must-see. And it's nothing short of a crime against the sci-fi viewing public that this excellent pilot was never followed up and made into a full-blown series.