The Alibi
The Alibi
R | 17 November 2006 (USA)
The Alibi Trailers

Con man Ray Elliot decides to leave crime behind to start a company that sells fake alibis to clients who have been unfaithful to their significant others. It seems that the streetwise Ray has found his calling, until he unexpectedly becomes a murder suspect in a case involving one of his most influential customers. Now, as the police and an assassin called "The Mormon" track Ray, he and his attractive assistant, Lola, must clear their own names.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Uriah43 A fun movie with several strange twists. Essentially, "Ray Elliott" (Steve Coogan) owns a small company which helps people set up alibis in order to continue extramarital affairs. For example, if a person who is having an affair is supposed to be in a business meeting, then all calls will be rerouted to one of Ray Elliotts assistants who will field the call and cover for the client. Naturally, this is all done for a hefty price. Unfortunately, things go wrong when a new client accidentally kills his mistress. Not only is Ray Elliott left to try to clean up the mess but he soon finds that he has a contract out on his head as well. Likewise, his former partner also has a contract out on his head and people are swarming all over the place looking for him too. At any rate, Steve Coogan performed in an outstanding manner. Likewise, Rebecca Romijn looked awesome as Ray Elliott's new employee "Lola". And while this film has some mature themes it really doesn't go overboard or push the envelope. In short, this is a good comedy which most people will probably get a kick out of.
Frederick Warwick Deftly satirical, Byzantine in plot and wonderfully acted, this film won't be for everyone. Many more twists and characters than Get Shorty, this one actually tries and succeeds in social satire. Themes? Conman trying to go straight is pursued by more temptations and murder threats than Jim Morrison. Threats to Coogan's character, Ray, are shrewdly and humorously evaded. He's assisted, somehow, by a string of mistaken identities, that left me at times amused and perplexed. But then again, I stumbled onto L&A on Indieplex and haven't seen its first third yet. And beginnings are a must. Looking forward to seeing entirety tonight on above channel!
mkmorgan1978 Poor film, poor story. Listening to Steve Coogan do an American accent was cringe-worthy. About 1 minute into the film I knew it was going to be a stinker, but I persisted to the end...and was not rewarded for my persistence. The twists were obvious, the humour was poor and very much un-coogan. I agree that most reviews of this film seem to be written to boost its popularity. I picked this film up for £2, and it proved you get what you pay for. I'd never heard of it before buying it, and I wish I'd not bothered!If you like Steve Coogan, you'll dislike The Alibi! Don't bother. Pick up some old Alan Partridge instead, much funnier.
pkpera I watched it on recently arrived DVD last evening. Didn't see that it played in Hungarian movie theatres at all. And I think that it is perfectly clear why it not gone in theatres. Plot is pretty good, what is not often case in last 10-20 or more years. Realization: cast: Steve Coogan maybe can act well, but his look is simple not what will pull masses in theatres, to say it nice. James Brolin was never extra actor, and here is simple pathetic. Pace: it is very hard to follow what happening - they talk too fast, scenes are too short and much people is involved in all. It stays especially for last 20 minutes - the 'hotel jeopardy' . 10-15 minutes more could solve it. It had potential to bee real good comedy/thriller. I would give it 7 because of cute Rebecca Romijn, but hmmm. , why so little role for Deborah K. Unger? - 6/10 .