The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
NR | 01 September 1939 (USA)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Trailers

Having once again avoided criminal conviction, Professor Moriarity develops a murderous plan to “finish off” his last major nemesis, Sherlock Holmes, by making him fail to prevent the perfect crime. Does it involve a family curse, the crown jewels of England, or something else…

FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
utgard14 Sherlock Holmes' arch-nemesis Professor Moriarty (George Zucco) orchestrates a plot to keep Holmes busy while he commits the crime of the century. Second of the Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes series and the last at Fox. Considered by many (not me) to be the best of the Rathbone Holmes films. Rathbone is pitch perfect as Holmes. Bruce, in my opinion, is perfect as Watson. I know that ruffles the feathers of purists who don't appreciate Bruce's comic Watson but I find him endearing and an incredible asset to the series. Zucco is a great Moriarty but I kept wishing there was more of him throughout the film. He was the first of several actors to play Moriarty in the series, my favorite being Henry Daniell. Ida Lupino, never the strongest actress, does fine here. The rest of the supporting cast is good, with the always enjoyable E.E. Clive a standout. The series would move to Universal three years after this. While I enjoy both of the Fox films immensely, I prefer the Universal ones. But then, I'm a fan of Universal and their style during the 1940s in particular.
Hitchcoc The first two episodes of the Basil Rathbone/Nigel Bruce Sherlock Holmes portrayals are among the best. I like this one because it remains in the proper period. That would never have been an issue if they had not moved him into contemporary time in future episodes. He became a Nazi hunter and a poster boy for participation in World War II. That aside, this is a nice portrayal of Holmes as he faces off against arch-villain Moriarity (played by George Zucco, who was often the bad guy in a series of B-horror movies). Moriarity has that great quality of pure evil. He loves his plants for than he loves humanity and probably off his butler for not watering them if he didn't need him to run errands. Ida Lupino is the woman who is caught in the middle of a plot by the evil genius to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London. Holmes is willing to make sacrifices and actually is partially responsible for the death of a young man. There is an element of callousness in his demeanor, but he gets results. One thing that continually kept me from enjoying these episodes is the portrayal of Watson as an incompetent boob. He huffs and puffs about everything, he contributes almost nothing to Holmes, and actually tends to get in the way when given responsibility. He is like a big old hulking dog that Holmes pets once in a while. They are so unequal in their importance to the world, it begs the question as to why he is there.
MarieGabrielle Reliable Holmes story with Basil Rathbone and Dr. Watson as usual his social, albeit bumbling self.Ida Lupino is the femme fatal, her brother is murdered and she must seek help from Holmes to find out why.George Zucco as Moriarty is menacing and fun, as when his faithful servant gives him a shave with a straight-edge, and Moriarty sneers that he should want to cut his throat. Moriarty states he has nothing but contempt for most humankind.The sets are appropriately foggy and dense, London Victorian streets, oil lamps, a murder occurs in Bayswater Park; an odd Chilean flute chant, some sort of death song. There are also references to the albatross.When you see films like this today you appreciate the quality of a true suspense story, it doesn't always have wild action, but it has real suspense and theme, which is rare these days. 9/10.
TheLittleSongbird As a fan of Sherlock Holmes and of Basil Rathbone, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. The plot is very silly, but is compelling enough and enjoyable throughout the whole duration. The film is well paced and well directed too mostly, while the production values are very nice. The photography, scenery and costumes are beautiful, but what I loved most about Sherlock Holmes was its evocative and haunting foggy London atmosphere. The script is of top-notch quality as well, often intelligent, funny and sophisticated.The acting I had no qualms with either. George Zucco is an interesting Moriaty and does really well of not being too sinister or too hammy, his performance was a nice balance I felt. Nigel Bruce is decent as Watson, though I can see why people are annoyed by his interpretation of the character. I liked the enthusiasm and blimpish bluster Bruce gave, but there are times here when he does come across as a little too clownish. However, he does have some believable chemistry with Basil Rathbone, who is just superb as a more charismatic and sophisticated not to mention very eloquent Holmes.Overall, a lot of fun and a case of where any minor flaws are completely overrided by the many strengths. Recommended! 9/10 Bethany Cox