The 7:39
The 7:39
R | 06 January 2014 (USA)
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After fighting for a seat on their morning commute, Sally and Carl begin talking and suddenly their daily train journey becomes a lot more interesting. Carl is happily married, Sally's engaged - where's the harm? Yet they find themselves increasingly drawn to each other, and as their friendship grows to flirtation they refuse to admit - to each other or themselves - that a line might be crossed. The consequences of discovery will be life-changing, catastrophic perhaps, and yet they can't help falling in love.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
HeadlinesExotic Boring
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
jmvscotland It's no surprise that just about everyone, in reviewing this TV mini-series, draws the very obvious parallel to "Brief Encounter". BE is still a wonderful movie but, by today's standards, it does look quite dated and, frankly, a little bit silly with its wistful looks and its secretive suggestion of illicit sex going nowhere. No surprise also therefore that a decision was made to make an updated version of that classic with, in many ways, its far more believable (but in many ways flawed) lead characters. This mini-series is wonderful and only the end lets it down.Dare I suggest that there's barely a married man alive at any time who didn't feel precisely the way Carl felt about Sally. It's a story as old as marriage itself. The romance was tender and very believable, the affair was sweet and the love was obviously genuine. SO, WHY THEN, is it never possible, in a tale such as this one, for the two characters who share the sweet romance and the love they feel to share a life together as Carl and Sally probably should have done? The final scenes with Carl back with his family and Sally in a relationship with someone other than the child's father were really not quite believable and, for me at least, were a decided let-down.It's a very fine mini-series but it is flawed only in the ending of the story it tells. It's rewarding for most of its length but, for me, a slight disappointment in the conclusion.JMV
leplatypus Sure, there's no paranormal here but i feel the same zen lesson about life: in a way, it says that big happy moments come and go as the bad and nasty ones ; everything changes, nothing lasts forever and that's why we must enjoy the moment, every little second… I didn't expect the movie to be this as i watched it for the English way of commuting and compare it with my life… as expected, London is a much better area than Paris : all is clean, modern or taken care while Paris is tidy, full of tags, over-used with old technology ! In addition, the romance even if it's cheating is engaging as it's the meeting of two lost souls : the young woman is afraid to found her family and the old guy has already built his own and feels maybe not empty but is stunned by this only being that ! The dialogs are full of truth and accurate descriptions of that life spleen. At last, the cast is really good and it's a welcome change from overpaid, repetitive and boring Hollywood stars !
Prismark10 The 7:39 was shown over two nights and is a modern reworking of Brief Encounter which is was itself was re-jigged in 1984 as 'Falling in Love' and starred Robert De Niro and Meryl Streep.David Morrissey and Sheridan Smith meet during an early commute to London where they argue over a seat but in subsequent encounters during the morning rush hour form a friendship and later have a steamy affair.David Morrissey is the middle aged, middle management worker in commercial property with a horrible boss, hating the daily grind of going and coming back from work. He is married to Olivia Coleman, has two teenage children, one about to go to university and finds that for the first time in years he has a buzz and a spring in his step.Sheridan Smith is a personal trainer engaged to get married but unsure as to whether to commit and this affair with an older man seems to provide a pleasant diversion.Of course we have the predictable consequences with Morrissey not performing in his job effectively and getting fired, Coleman finding out about the affair and finally being confronted by Smith's boyfriend.An enjoyable drama, light on its feed, not heavy handed. The work place scenes were so true to life with the actor playing Morrissey's boss nailing the part of the slimy, douche-bag.Just a shame the serial was bit by the numbers.
MattyGibbs This is a drama about two people who have a chance meeting on a train. Both are with other people and seemingly happy but the attraction between them is too strong to resist. It follows their relationship from the platonic to the inevitable fallout from the decisions they take. In other hands this could have been a corny and cheesy mess however a brilliant cast and good direction means this is nothing but a success. It moves along at a good pace and never gets boring. I also liked the fact that it didn't paint the adulterers as awful people just normal people in a difficult situation.The main cast are all top rate actors and they don't disappoint. David Morrissey is great as the guilty husband, the fantastic Sheridan Smith is beguiling as the younger woman and Olivia Colman superb as the spurned wife. The 7.39 is a very good drama and well worth watching.