Templar Nation
Templar Nation
PG-13 | 23 July 2013 (USA)
Templar Nation Trailers

After an archaeologist and his students excavate a Templar Knight's tomb, they are thrown into the middle of an ancient blood feud. They must either follow the Templar's ancient path or face destruction at the hands of a dark league of assassin.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
bkoganbing Richard Dutcher who did some good films regarding contemporary Mormon life came up very short with Templar Nation which was his effort to imitate the two National Treasure films.According to this movie we should forget what we learned there about the Knights Templar and how they survived in secret and left an enormous treasure in the bowels of lower Manhattan. What really happened is that they made it all the way out to Utah and set up shop there after making an alliance with the local Indians.What I was expecting and it didn't happen was that this would be an explanation for the lack of archaeological evidence for Joseph Smith's vision about a civilization that disappeared in North America. Something the LDS church has been very weak on. But Dutcher did not give us that.What he did give us was a vision of what and how a Mitt Romney could capture the presidency. Mormons in fact can be Templars and can make the best ones.All this is laced with Dutcher as father having a lot of issues with son Joseph James as they go on the dig for the Templar treasure. And of course those people who forced the Templars underground in medieval times are still on the hunt for them. They're Catholics you know. Dutcher came up very short with this LDS ripoff of National Treasure.
homergmc This is surely the front-runner for worst picture ever made. The storyline appears to have been concocted by a five-year old on lsd and as for the cast.. the actors guild should investigate how they ever got cards,an amateur church play would have provided a better performance. The sets looked as if they had been made with gaffer tape,cardboard and crayons and would have been better suited to a pre school television show. The action??? Scenes were laughable and disjointed and would not have been out of place in a school playground. How this managed a rating of 4.1 I do not know unless the cast were rating it. A total of 38 ratings and not one review come on. I really wish I could find something positive to say but unfortunately there is nothing. At the end it says "to be continued"I sincerely hope not. Low budget should not mean poor value
johan_rubertsson I usually like these kinds of films which plays on the mysteries surrounding the knights templar. I also like to think that I tend to accept many fallacies in films, as long as the concept and the movies as a whole is good. This movie, however, is horrible. I am sorry, but it really is. The plot is idiotic, where it is really hard to accept the arguments presented as the movie progresses. The acting is stiff and ill-performed by mediocre actors at best. I watched the whole movie just because I love the knights templar and I wanted to know what the treasure at the end would turn out to be. BIG mistake, I want my time wasted back. Most stupid ending in a long time. If you still choose to watch this movie after reading my review, do so at your own peril.
dwsweeps I checked IMDb before I started to watch this movie, the rating was 5.9, seriously? This is the worst movie I have ever seen.I have to be honest. I watch a lot of Syfy and that being said I know bad movie. Face it Syfy original movies are some of the worst out there.The only good thing about this movie is that they only wasted $300,000 to make it. Where they spent that much I have no idea, there's no FX, fighting choreography is lousy, maybe that was Eric Estrada's salary.The dialog is absolutely horrific even if they had a decent actor to deliver it.I have seen grade school plays with more believable acting. It may have been a decent storyline, but quite frankly, I couldn't make it through the first half of the movie. I just hate it that I wasted and hour of my life watching this drivel. You have been warned, don't waste your time.