R | 05 October 1984 (USA)
Teachers Trailers

A teacher reconnects with an old student who is now an attorney representing a family who is suing the school for graduating their son who still cannot read or write. Amid the daily chaos of teaching in an inner city school, Alex Jurel tries to decide if he will lie at his deposition to protect the school or tell the truth and risk throwing away his career.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Steineded How sad is this?
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
tx_ghost great comedy and some good drama, One thing to Point out from the First review was the the Machine was a stencil duplicator or mimeograph machine (often abbreviated to mimeo) is a low-cost printing press that works by forcing ink through a stencil onto paper.Along with spirit duplicators and hectographs, mimeographs were for many decades used to print short-run office work, classroom materials, and church bulletins. They also were critical to the development of early fanzines because their low cost and availability enabled publication of amateur writings. These technologies began to be supplanted by photocopying and cheap offset printing in the late 1960s.Mimeographs did Smell something awful. I am trying to remember if we used them in the early 80'sI know we did in the 70's. Comments on a Movies about teachers and Schools can be Educational.
mindcat I wish I could find this film cheaply at the 5 dollar or less bargain box DVD, because I would snatch it up as one of the funnest films of the 80's.I have seen this flick several times on tape and in fact, once showed this to a high school class I was subbing in. I think, judging from their blah reaction, the parody escaped them.This is a parody upon some of the worst stereotyped teachers in education. We know in the US once a teach you keep on until that golden retirement. I never believed an older, tenured and high paid teacher was as good as a new hire, young and enthusiastic.If you can find this flick on DVD for less than 12 dollars buy it. I'd say since it is dated, two to five dollars would be about right.
jeffman52001 "Teachers" is a great film that came out in 1984. The film really touched up on the things that is even today, hurting some of our schools here today in the U.S.. The apathy, red tape, the lack of concern for the kids is what is causing the schools to get bad. I love this movie for a lot of reasons, the funny and sad moments in it. The cast of the film is really excellent.The film starts out where it is a typical Monday morning at JFK High School where crazy things happen. The school psychologist loses it when the teacher nicknamed "Ditto" (Royal Dano) is hogging the ditto machine and she squirts him with ink. A stabbing has happened. A former student named Lisa Hammond (JoBeth Williams), who now is a lawyer, is representing a kid named John Calvin, a kid who is suing the school cause of the lack of education he received.Alex Jurel (Nick Nolte), is called in on that Monday morning to teach Social Studies, Alex never comes in on a Monday. Alex Jurel is a teacher who got burned out, fighting a system, which has not changed. He runs into his former student, Lisa Hammond and she sees he has given up. She helps him to reawaken his ideals and Alex helps a kid named Eddie Pilikian (Ralph Macchio), a troubled kid, help him and become friends. Eddie stole a Drivers Ed. car with his friend Danny (Crispin Glover). Danny is a kid at the school who has problems being picked on by other students. Danny gives his teacher, Mr. Rosenberg (Allen Garfield) a hard time, first he bit Rosenberg on the hand and later on steals his car, though Rosenberg does not know about Danny stealing his car.The other teachers at JFK are Stuart Van Ark (Richard Mulligan) a.k.a. Herbert Gower, an out patient at a mental hospital, who takes up the identity of the real Stuart Van Ark, and teaches his history class, and being entertaining. The kids in the class like him. "Ditto" a.k.a. Mr. Stiles, a teacher who sleeps on the job and doesn't teach at all later on dies in his sleep.Alex's friend and Vice Principal of JFK, Roger Rubell, is one of the members of the faculty, next to Superintendent Burke, don't care about the kids and are worried about the publicity of the John Calvin case. They want the teachers who are going to be asked questions at their depositions to lie, but one of the teachers, Mr. Carl Rosenberg refuses to lie and does tell Lisa Hammond why they passed John Calvin. The School board want to fire Jurel for taking a student named Dianne Warren (Laura Dern) to an abortion clinic cause she got pregnant by the Physical Education teacher, Mr. Troy (Art Metrano), but Alex knows the real reason why the want to fire is is that the board are worried about what Alex will say at his deposition, though the case ended up being settled. Alex packs his stuff and Lisa Hammond sees him packing and Alex tells her he is quitting. Lisa convinces him to stay.After Eddie Pilikian sets off the fire alarm, the people are outside and Alex tells him that he is not quitting and will sue them if they try to fire him. Alex tells Burke and Rubell about that the High School is about kids. Alex is staying to teach."Teachers" has a great cast and supporting cast like Richard Mulligan, Morgan Freeman as Al Lewis, the school board attorney, veteran actor William Schallert as Principal Horn, a clueless principal who does not know much about the school and some other things.I am so happy Teachers in out on DVD now, there is a God!,,lol.
tedginn05 Like the movie trivia says...this movie was taped at Central High School in Columbus. And it(The school building)has since been remodeled and COSI now uses it.The Central HS building was owned by Columbus Public Schools. They allowed the movie crew(Whoever that may have been)to use the building.Not realizing what the movie was going to be about. Basically putting down the school systems. Saying that the school systems were passing kids that couldn't even read. Even though it was not based off of that school district.They were not happy when the movie came out depicting the school systems.