Tarzan and the Huntress
Tarzan and the Huntress
NR | 05 April 1947 (USA)
Tarzan and the Huntress Trailers

A shortage of zoo animals after World War II brings beautiful animal trainer Tanya, her financial backer and her cruel trail boss to the jungle. After negotiating a quota with the native king, they take more animals than allowed. Tarzan intervenes.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Michael_Elliott Tarzan and the Huntress (1947) ** (out of 4) Eleventh film in the original Tarzan series once again features Johnny Weissmuller in the role of the Ape Man. This time out a group of people (led by Patricia Morison) come to Africa where they want to take the wildlife back and fill up various zoos across the world. The lost city ruler agrees to let them take two of each kind of animal but this isn't good enough so they kill him. Soon the group are trying to take as many animals as possible so it's up to Tarzan and Boy (Johnny Sheffield) to stop them. This film certainly isn't as silly as the previous effort but there's no question that the series was running out of steam due to its budget that looks to have been cut yet again and the fact that the story itself just isn't that interesting. The 72-minute running time almost seems triple because there's just not any form of entertainment be it adventure, comedy or drama. As with several of the previous films, this one here wants to get the majority of its comic relief from Cheetah who is constantly stealing things or just causing trouble. The problem is that his antics were cute for a while but the more you see them the more annoying they become. It also doesn't help that the screenplay contains one boring sequence after another and you can tell the budget cuts because of how fake the jungle looks. Another problem is that there's just way too much stock footage being used and it seems like RKO couldn't afford anything good looking as most of the footage just appears cheap and out of focus. Weissmuller, it's fair to say, looks completely bored in the role as Tarzan and you can't help but think he wishes he was somewhere else. Brenda Joyce is back as Jane but the screenplay doesn't offer her much to do. Morison isn't too bad in her part but again the screenplay isn't giving her much to work with. I mentioned in my TARZAN AND THE LEOPARD WOMAN review that I was shocked to see how much Sheffield had grown between it and the previous film and that continues here. It's also rather obvious that he's going through puberty due to how badly his voice sounds in terms of how deep it is and often times you can hear it breaking. As with the rest of the characters, Boy isn't given much to do and the end result is a poor way for the actor to leave the series. TARZAN AND THE HUNTRESS is pure "C" entertainment that is way too boring to be worth watching.
BA_Harrison After the hugely enjoyable Tarzan and the Leopard Woman, the Weissmuller Tarzan series slides back into mediocrity with a rather stale tale of unscrupulous trappers—led by 'huntress' Tanya Rawlins (Patricia Morison)—collecting specimens to restock the world's zoos, much to Tarzan's disgust, of course. A woefully underdeveloped sub-plot about the assassination of a jungle king by his power hungry nephew adds little to the film's overall entertainment value.As usual, Cheetah is on hand to provide the laughs, annoying the other jungle critters and taking Boy's model aeroplane for a short flight, Jane (Brenda Joyce) gives the film some sex appeal (surprisingly, the titular 'huntress' provides little in the way of titillation), Boy (Johnny Sheffield) learns an important lesson about life (trading lion cubs for a torch is wrong!), the family indulges in a spot of synchronised swimming, and Tarzan saves the day (and the captured animals) in the final reel with that old chestnut, the stampeding herd of elephants; but whilst all of this makes for adequate 'rainy Sunday afternoon' family viewing, it offers avid Tarzan fans nothing much to get excited about.5.5 out of 10, rounded up to 6 for IMDb.
Petri Pelkonen The Tarzan saga continues.This time Tarzan is upset after a group of people want to take animals from the jungle and fill the shortage they have of zoo animals in America.Luckily Tarzan speaks the language of the animals so he can get help from the elephants if he needs.Kurt Neumann's Tarzan and the Huntress (1947) is a very good addition to the Tarzan franchise.Johnny Weissmuller, who to many is the one and only Tarzan really is one of the kind.Brenda Joyce, who is still living at the age of 96, makes her third of five performances as Jane.What a fine Jane she makes! Johnny Sheffield as the adopted son of Tarzan marks his eight and final appearance as Boy.Patricia Morison, now 93, is awfully lovely with her dark long hair.The great Barton MacLane plays Paul Weir.Also fine performances are given by John Warburton (Carl Marley), Charles Trowbridge (King Farrod) and Maurice Tauzin (Prince Suli).You can't count Cheeta the chimpanzee out.The final picture with Cheeta coming down an airplane with a parachute is unforgettable.This movie entertained me thoroughly.Tarzan and the Huntress gives you the right amount of action, adventure and some romance.
Ozirah54 Already in agreement with the other comments about the place of this film in the tradition of Tarzan movies, I would like to concentrate on one sub-plot, the animosity between Tarzan (played by Johnny Weissmuller) and Monak (played by ex-prize fighter Mickey Simpson), loyal servant to the scheming, evil Ozira (yes, my namesake; I am a major Tarzan fan).Ozira stands to receive generous bounties for helping a safari catch African animals to re-stock the zoos after the Second World War. Since his uncle, King Farad, won't cooperate, Ozira stages the shooting of Farad (by Monak) to look like an accident and Farad's teenage son Suli is also believed killed, pushed into a pool of crocodiles, again by Monak.As Monak leads the gun bearers and safari hands to help the hunters get their animals, he has a number of brushes with Tarzan. Tarzan liberates captured animals, knocks out several of Monak's guards and, when other bearers are sent back to the city for help, one safari hand is killed by a lion. Monak seethes to get revenge and tangle with Tarzan.In one scene, after Tarzan and Boy steal the guns and rifles, Cheetah the Chimp tries to steal the compact of the female hunter (the Huntress of the movie, Tanya, Patricia Morrison's character). Monak hurls his knife, almost getting Cheetah. We are also treated to a closeup of Monak, a big man, proud, powerful, commanding, a large, smooth chest, fine belly, wide, deep jungle navel. Certainly, he would never miss with a knife again.The guns retrieved, the safari continues to collect animals and Tarzan and Boy find Prince Suli very much alive. The city of Toronga must know the truth about this and Ozira's treachery unmasked.As Tarzan attempts to lead Suli to safety, Monak, rifle in hand, bandoleer across his powerful, commanding chest, knife stuck in his sarong-like wraparound, spies him and, along with two gun bearers, bandoleers crisscrossing their majestic chests also, Monak goes after them, pausing to take a few unsuccessful shots. Tarzan takes to the trees and the three separate to get at him and to finish off Suli.Weissmuller sharpens a vine to use as a spear and hurls it into the bare belly of one of the gun bearers who topples to the jungle ground. Tarzan then flings his knife into the back of a second gun bearer, who falls onto the ground, the bullets framing his brave chest, his life lost for Monak and Ozira.Monak has climbed a tree to direct the battle. Tarzan is in that same tree and so is Suli. Monak, smiling with confidence, slyly pulls his knife out and it flies through the air but inexplicably misses Suli. Monak then sees Tarzan approach and the battle is on. Monak pulls off his bandoleer and tries to hit Tarzan with it. The two actors are now side by side and it is clear what a formidable man Simpson was. Then thirty-four, he was at least fifteen to twenty years younger than Weissmuller, depending upon the uncertain birth date of the former Olympic swimmer. Monak almost takes Tarzan, but Tarzan jumps down to a lower branch. Monak tries to push Tarzan off the tree with his foot. Tarzan catches hold of Monak's foot and twists it. Monak grimaces in pain as he realizes the tide of battle has turned. Losing his balance, he falls, attempts to grab onto a branch but, not able to hold on, tumbles down many feet, past a smiling Suli, and rolls over onto his back as he hits the jungle ground. His arms spreadeagled, his broad, expansive, brave, adventurous, daring, bold, jungle leader chest is splayed on the jungle floor.Monak has given his life for Ozira. (Ozira and some of the hunters will soon die in one of the most exciting elephant stampedes ever brought to the screen). Monak's death is the turning point of the story for now, following the stampede, Prince Suli will be restored to his people. Ozira will die by being driven over a cliff in the ensuing confusion of the elephant stampede and hitting his head on a rock. Ozira will never know that only a short distance away, the fine body of his "most trusted servant" lies still, having risked everything to serve his greedy, malevolent master.