Tamako in Moratorium
Tamako in Moratorium
| 23 November 2013 (USA)
Tamako in Moratorium Trailers

Tamako graduated from a university in Tokyo, but she now lives with her father back in Kofu. Tamako doesn't help her father or tries to get a job. She spends her time just eating and sleeping throughout the four seasons of the year.

Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
missraze So I'm sitting here for an hour waiting for the point. I've got my snacks ready and bed warm and pillow fluffed and eyes hungry. The lazy brat (kinda like me, he-he) finally meets her dad's girlfriend. Well she starts wittering on about him and their relationship and living conditions to the perplexed woman. So around 1 hr 15 minutes I'm getting all comfortable waiting for this promised sabotage to happen.And then it ends! This film could've been so bad ass if they had kept it going for another 30 minutes, an intense wrap-up. This is why I want to write my own films: because I watch potential films that waste a good idea and good talent on a horrible execution! I was forgiving the slooowwww pace (yes, sloooowww) because I was imagining this apocalyptic fallout between father and daughter, after she "sabotaged" his relationship?! There was no sabotage at all, ugh. So the slow pace...was the movie. And nothing more.Now if you're not expecting anything, like an array of powerful mischief from a pretty young saboteur, and if you're totally OK with an uneventful film with probably 30-lines worth of dialogue...cool.
Hombredelfuturo Tamako returns to her home town after graduation, but instead to do something with that degree, she only do children stuff like play video games, eat sweets, sleep too much or do nothing at all. She lives with her father; he is a hard worker man; with his sporting goods shop; cleaning; preparing the meals, etc; each day. Also; he do not force Tamako over and over to find a job or to do something with her life; only a question that when she will look for a job and nothing more; he do not insist; but still he continue with the hard labor; meanwhile she says: Japan is hopeless" then he response: "Japan is not the problem, is people like you".The film takes place in the four seasons of a year; but the gal does not change at all her routines except when she found that her father could have a girlfriend. This seems to be the only thing in which she decided to act or at least see whats going on. May be she see that in that way her bubble micro world could be in danger.Tamako (Atsuko Maeda) had a roll on the J pop idol group: AKB48 but here she is doing a completely opposite roll; and her performance is pretty good.