Sword of Gideon
Sword of Gideon
| 01 September 1986 (USA)
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Chronicles a Mossad team hand picked to hunt down the terrorists involved in the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre of Israeli athletes.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Micransix Crappy film
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
tmself Skip Munich and rent this version-- better, tighter script, direction and photography.In Munich, Eric Bana looks like a deer in the headlights for most of the film. Steven Bauer much more effective, not surprising as he is a better actor. Same for the rest of the cast.In Munich, angst is way overblown and takes up too much of the film. It takes away from the little suspense the film generates. Avner as portrayed by Bauer has many layers and is a complex individual. Bana's Avner seems just a portrayal of a man in over his head.Munich has two excellent performances-- the father and son French crime syndicate leaders-- performances in SOG solid across the board.
Andy Hill After seeing Spielberg's high-budgeted production based on the book, "Vengeance;" I was entertained but not really connected with any of the agents (Mossad) as they planned and implemented their assigned duties. Most of the IMDb reviews hash out the plot so that is not necessary here. What is necessary is to recommend finding this HBO movie in its uncut length which IS available on DVD. The length enables more intimate contact with all Samuels' collected agents adding, without expensive production values, a much more intense look at the increasing doubt and anger compounded upon Avner and his team following each assigned accomplishment. The scene with Avner sitting in the hospital waiting room having to watch the agony, terror and loss conveyed by the wife and daughter after being advised of the certain death of their husband and father conveys more emotion and sense of doubt than any scene I recall in "Munich." Michael York's search for possible explosive entrapment in the safe house builds tension not provided in "Munich" and is logically more realistic than Spielberg's counterpart of this agent's final assignment. The long film moves quickly and the time is will spent. Again, time to explore characters' motives and feelings can be far more valuable than high-budgeted special effects. (Though the special effects here are not inadequate by any means) In short, seeing this film after "Munich" was a wonderful experience and answered some questions the "Munich" film failed to answer. And, finally, this is a movie based on an historical based fictional book. It is NOT an historical document. Watch and enjoy this fine film.
donby This tense, fascinating film details how men are recruited into the Israeli Mossad to search for and kill those responsible for the Munich Olympics murders. Also, we see how the men are pressured to stay in the group. Great acting and real locations make it all the more compelling. The morality of what they're doing is questioned at several points, and we see some very chilling assasination scenes. The ending is a bit of a let-down, but then since it is based on actual events . . . I am not Jewish but found this film to be suspenseful and very involving -- a humdinger.
FISHCAKE This is a well produced TV movie which purports to be a docudrama about the beginning of the program by the Israeli Mossad to destroy all of the terrorists responsible for the kidnapping and murder of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics. In fact, it seems to me to have very little semblance to authenticity about it. One cannot be sure, of course, but it does not seem that a powerful secret organisation like Mossad would operate as shown here: an independent squad, operating on its own with minimal help beyond the financial from its parent, and depending in part on hired outside organisations for information and assistance. At worst, this film has the smack of anti Israel propaganda; at best, weak-minded, turn-the-other-cheek pacifism. While taking an ostensible stand against vengeance as an effective means of combating terrorism, the philosophy clearly advocated is: do nothing about terrorist murderers and perhaps they will get tired and go away.The film is not without some merit, though. The psychological pressures on agents of organisations like Mossad, CIA, MI-5, MI-6, the Deuxieme Bureau, etc. must be harrowing for some, perhaps not for others, and of this we are given a good glimpse in the film. The cast and direction are first rate, though editing is typically careless as in most TV movies. It is a film worth watching provided you are on your guard for the propaganda. A portion of the film was done in Israel with an Israeli crew and presumably without opposition from the Israeli government. If this story were turned around and portrayed a Palestinian group unfavorably in going against, say, Mossad agents, can one imagine the government of Libya,Syria, or the like permitting filming within its borders. It is to the credit of Israeli freedom of expression that such a movie was made, even though it would not appear to be friendly in intent.There is one aspect of Mossad's campaign against the terrorists responsible for the Munich horror which the film omits to mention in its final statement that all the targetted people were killed. This is not quite historically accurate. Mossad is a pretty thorough outfit, but they also killed one more palestinian than targetted--a man who was actually totally innocent of any involvement. This happened in Lillehammer, Norway, a tragic case of mistaken identity. As for the nine terrorists involved directly in the Munich massacre, six were killed in the shootout with the German police, three were captured. These three were later released by the Germans in a hostage deal with the terrorist organisation. Two of these were killed by Mossad, one is still alive.