Surviving Gilligan's Island
Surviving Gilligan's Island
| 14 October 2001 (USA)
Surviving Gilligan's Island Trailers

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Swampthing316 This documentary movie hosted by Dawn Wells, Bob Denver and Russel Johnson was incredibly well done!The actors that re-enacted the roles of the castaways were superb, the young man who portrayed Jim Backus had a hell of a task on his hands and performed pretty well.The actor who Portrayed Alan Hale had his character down to a Science. Tina Louis was portrayed most accurately.If you pay close attention to this movie it explains why Tina never comes to the reunions, she wanted nothing to do with this show after it was over, she demanded extra high pay to play Ginger in the Rescue from Gilligan's Island so Schwartz told her where to go and he got another actress, this is not mentioned in the film.The fact that Tina Louis was tricked into doing this show by her agent is a good enough explaination and is fully explained here.No one is portrayed as a saint in this film, whoever made that comment was totally wrong!This film follows up the E! True Hollywood Story Nicely and by the way Tina Louis allowed herself to be interviewed by E! for that documentary.I give this 4 stars for excellent acting and accuracy! Worth checking out if it is shown again.
tinalouise4ever Mine will probably be the ONLY complaint, if you don't count other reviews. But I think what they did to Tina was just awful, and very unprofessional. Ms.Wells claims this is not a movie about rumors, does she really know the definition? Ok, the movie was alright, the actors were ok. Actually! the actor portraying Alan Hale looked amazingly identical to him! I give my compliments on that casting job. The good thing about Tina Louise is that I think she is above the whole thing, shes not the kind to go back and get revenge for how they made her look. so 2 me, she's a better person! and to the person who posted a message here a while ago saying that Tina is Ginger even if she doesnt like it, that is a horrible thing to say! don't you know that that is why she wanted to get away from "Ginger" because Ginger isn't real! but Tina is! and it's really a shame that some people don't see that! it's typical type-casting. and to those people who have no respect for Tina Louise, I feel sorry for you, because your missing out on someone great! it's your loss! definitly my gain.
LarsTallica I saw this special last night because i love Gilligan's Island and thought i was in for treat but boy was i wrong.This special was horrible.They had had ator's that didn't even look like the gilligan's island and it wasn't really even a story. They had these little known actor's played the Gilligan's Island cast offscreen as they were.Im pretty sure Alan Hale Jr. wasn't smacking Bob Denver around with his Hat outside the set. But i did like the Dawn Wells,Bob Denver and Russell Johnson did appear in this special.They talked about there experiences and then the actor's would act out a scene but very poorly done on the writer's part.Dawn Well's explained that she didn't know that Natalie Schafer had breast cancer for a long time and then there was a scene where a woman is saying she's scared about her operation of breast cancer and then the friend tells natalie schafer she doesn't know what she's talking about and then Natalie Schafer took off her shirt to show her she had the operation.What the ? But the only part worth putting in this Gilligan's island special was the end when it showed cast-mates of Gilligans Island behind the scene's footage while Louis Armstrong's "What a wonderful world played in the backround" Yes The original Gilligan's Island is a classic but this Cbs catrastrophe just drag's mud on the Gilligan's Island nameP.s bye the way Between Ginger and Mary-Ann i pick Mary Anne
brehbock At first, I thought two hours was going to be a little long for this nostalgic look at the cast and making of the evergreen series, "Gilligan's Island." However, the retrospective was delightful! Mary Ann, Gilligan, and the Professor share their stories from this early sixties series that almost wasn't. The show is particularly funny when it's not pulling punches about Tina Louise's attitude toward the show (and it manages to get the digs in in a good-hearted way) and the Mary Ann vs Ginger comparison. The casting for the "then" characters is amazing, especially Eric Alan Kramer's Alan Hale Jr. and Steve Vinovich's Jim Backus. It rides the line between heartfelt and sappy very well and it's great to see how amazing Dawn Wells (Mary Ann), Bob Denver (Gilligan), and Russell Johnson (the Professor) look.
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