Supercop 2
Supercop 2
R | 21 October 1993 (USA)
Supercop 2 Trailers

As a crime wave sweeps through Hong Kong, the police call Jessica Yang (Yeoh), a rising star in the ranks, to help stop a notorious gang of thieves! What Jessica doesn't realize is that her boyfriend - recently discharged from the force - is the leader of this ruthless crime ring!

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Uriah43 After helping thwart a major hostage situation, "Jessica Yang" (Michelle Yeoh) is sent to Hong Kong to assist in a police matter there. As it so happens her fiancé, "David Chang" (Rongguang Yu) has just recently moved there because he supposedly wants to stabilize his financial situation prior to marrying her. While this may be true he also plans on robbing a large bank there with some help from an American criminal named "Roger Davidson" (Alain Guernier). What neither of them realize is that their paths are about to cross again in an unexpected way. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this film is an off-shoot of the "Police Story" series (featuring Jackie Chan as "Inspector Chan Ka Kui") and essentially follows "Police Story 3-Supercop". Yet, while Jackie Chan does have a rather brief (and bizarre) scene here it focuses almost exclusively on Michelle Yeoh. That being said it lacks the peculiar mixture of comedy and charisma that only Jackie Chan can give to a film. That's not to say that this film is necessarily bad, it's just that it doesn't have the same degree of excitement as any of the "Police Story" movies. Accordingly, I rate it as just average.
zeppo1-2 I guess as a generic Hong Kong movie it's okay .. but if you are expecting some high powered karate then you'll be disappointed.Not being very well versed in karate movies, I figured I can't go wrong with Michelle Yeoh. I loved her in the Bond movie, and was hoping for something similar. No such luck.I guess if you want to see Michelle strut around in a uniform, sit at a computer or talk endlessly with her fellow agents, then this is the film for you.What little she does (in the opening scenes especially) is great, and she shows agility, grace and strength. But it's WAY TOO CHATTY.Another problem seems to be that she doesn't win many fights.... she usually needs an assist from somebody .. In my opinion, that ain't right. She's the star. She's the reason to watch.It would be as if James Bond needed Miss Moneypenny to haul his butt out of danger most the time ...If anyone could suggest a good female based movie like this I'd appreciate it ... It's funny how the Jackie Chan movies have almost non-stop action, but the few female based movies I've seem are top-loaded with sideline love interests, over-the-top goony comic characters and other "filler" ....At least, that's based on what little I've seen.
rutt13-1 I had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Yeoh some years ago, and she's a very intelligent, charming, and absolutely breathtaking woman. That was a great night, and knowing she does all this stuff for real is amazing. "Project S" is very entertaining and a great showcase for her skills, but it feels a bit like a low-budget cousin to the "Police Story" series. Give it a chance though, it's an efficient action flick, with good stuntwork and fight scenes. It's awfully melodramatic at times though....
iscream22 Although not as good as the first, this film still contains plenty of action. The action is more shooting/explosions than martial arts though. About a bunch of terrorists and good guys kicking the crap out of them. Rated R: for Violence.