| 16 October 2015 (USA)
SuperBob Trailers

After six years without a date, Robert, the world's only superhero, is looking for love. The only barrier to his plan is that he regularly has to save the world, so he needs to get some time off if he is to meet his superwoman.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Bereamic Awesome Movie
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
kevinjennings74 I liked this movie a lot, it caught my attention on Flix because of Catherine Tate from Doctor Who but didn't know anything else about it. It had a lot of production value for a lower budget film of this scope and so some of the lesser quality effects work at times is forgivable. The movie had a lot of heart and I really liked that it took the superhero story in a different direction than normal. I think we've all felt stuck in a job or duty and this movie handled that emotion well. The lead actor was really great in the role and there's a lot of funny writing and touching moments that keep you drawn in. A-.
Alex van Beek I put off watching this film for so long because of all the negative reviews on here but I've just finished watching it and felt compelled to log on here and tell you all just how much I enjoyed it and don't listen to all the negative reviews. I don't know what those people were expecting, maybe they prefer those awful Marvel Avengers films instead, in which case, I have no empathy with such people because I hated those.This is a nice little film with no huge budget, it didn't need one, it doesn't rely on effects and its not really a superhero film in that way. It's just a nice understated feel good film about a hopeless dullard who just happens to be the world's only superhero. I laughed or chuckled out loud more than three times and had plenty of moments were it just made me smile. It had a few familiar faces, the lead was recognisable to me from the series 'Derek', which I have to point out how much I hated that show so as not to tarnish the quality of my opinion. I enjoy everything Ricky Gervais has ever done with the exception of that show, Extras and the Office were amazing but Derek is the worst ordeal I've ever voluntarily put myself through. Sorry to go through that in more detail than was probably necessary, but yeah, the lead guy had a small role in that and this film is good and I recommend you see it.
David Turner I had high hopes for this film and really *wanted* it to be good. But within the first 15 minutes I knew I was in trouble. The storyline is all over the place, the characters are terrible, and it's generally an awkward film to watch.The script reminded me of a high school production. Maybe it was mostly ad-libbed. Or maybe they spent all the budget on Catherine Tate and so couldn't afford a Script Editor. How bad is it? I actually think "Condorman" (1981) is a better film on a similar subject. That's how bad!"SuperBob" is not "Shaun of the Dead". It's not "Monty Python". And it's certainly not "hilarious". But at least it's only 82 minutes long.
quitebizarre You've seen South-East London in Attack the Block. Now see it again in this very funny take on 'what if superheroes were real' with excellent performances from Brett Goldstein, Natalia Tena and Catherine Tate.Bob is a postman who gets struck by a meteorite. This gives him superpowers. Unfortunately, being in Britain, he gets stuck in a world of forms and civil servants.Even more unfortunately, having superpowers doesn't make him a cool person, so if he's not off saving the world, he's struggling to do the normal things like the rest of us, things like putting up with his Mum, going on a date, etc.