Mississippi Grind
Mississippi Grind
R | 25 September 2015 (USA)
Mississippi Grind Trailers

Gerry is a talented but down-on-his-luck gambler whose fortunes begin to change when he meets Curtis, a younger, highly charismatic poker player. The two strike up an immediate friendship and Gerry quickly persuades his new friend to accompany him on a road trip to a legendary high stakes poker game in New Orleans. As they make their way down the Mississippi River, Gerry and Curtis manage to find themselves in just about every bar, racetrack, casino, and pool hall they can find, experiencing both incredible highs and dispiriting lows, but ultimately forging a deep and genuine bond that will stay with them long after their adventure is over.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Micitype Pretty Good
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
brianharris2 During the film Gary's wound moves from his left side to his right and back again
felix-wyderka This is a great comedy about friendship and taking chances. Reynolds and Mendelsohn have a great chemistry and also deliver amazing individual performances. The way Mendelsohn portrays emotions and feeling with his body is simply one of the best body acting performance I have ever seen. Also the cinematography is genius. With plenty of medium shots and close ups the camera captures all the emotions and makes the scenes even more intense and the viewer feel for the character. What I also really liked was the fact that in this movie the younger man is a role model for the older man, which is a rather uncommon concept in this kind of movie. And for every Ryan Reynolds fan out there, this is probably his best performance right after Deadpool ;) All in all I can say that this is a very well made movie that is less about gambling and rather about people and the power of believe and friendship.
merklekranz Questionable entertainment value, watching two '" train wrecks" happening at the same time. It's a buddy road movie with the theme being the pathetic lives that are the result of compulsive gambling. Two losers like Ben Mendelsohn and Ryan Reynolds play certainly don't deserve any glorification. The low point is when Mendelsohn tries to steal money from his ex-wife. The acting is good, however the story meanders, and at times is sleep inducing. You do get some nice photography of various towns along the Mississippi. What is not so nice is the toxic effect their gambling addiction has on their relationships. Both characters come across as self serving jerks, with little regard for anything but their own destructive behavior. - MERK
giuliocc-301-860698 Ben Mendelssohn is a strong actor. His American accent is flawless. As the main character he has a convincing performance with Ryan Reynolds. But the plot is slow, and meanders. Found myself waiting for the point of this film... You have read into this film to get its value. I found it hard viewing because of the glacial pace of the plot.As both characters pursue the fast money of gambling you see the ups and downs. At times the characters do things that just don't make sense. This adds to the painful viewing trying to work out what the point of this movie. It's not that deep frankly, as you see the typical behaviour of gamblers wrestling with their addiction and if they can overcome it.