Super Cyclone
Super Cyclone
NR | 18 September 2012 (USA)
Super Cyclone Trailers

When a super cyclone threatens the entire American eastern seaboard, a lone meteorologist and a petroleum engineer must battle the elements to stop the threat.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Liz Malcom If I could give this a negative review I would. This script was written by someone who heard a lot of science words but had no idea what any of them meant, threw them together on paper and then handed then to half a dozen actors they instructed to speak imaginary 'southern' before going to a rudimentary college CGI class and said, we dont really give a flying F about this movie or logic so just make it flashy. They set this in California supposedly but even used a radar image of a hurricane over Florida. Story insultingly moronic, science was nonexistent, acting was infuriating, and for Gods sake there was dust flying up behind the tires when they were supposed to be driving in the 'rain'. I've seen bad movies, but this this one honestly made me either laugh or shake my damn head in disgust.
Aspya I watched this movie because I like Ming-Na Wen. I've seen her in several TV shows where she did well. That's it, that's the end of what is good about this movie. I'm about to go and blow torch my retinas for watching this movie. It starts out awful but gets worse. Most of the cast would look bad in a village hall production so how they made it onto a film set is anyone's guess. Maybe they just opened up the studio hung a sign that said "free doughnuts" and cast whoever walked in?I need 10 lines of text for this to be a review so I will have to say more. That's more thought than I wanted to waste on this movie. The physical acting is laughable, people swaying the opposite way to the camera ruining the "we're being shaken about" effect and then magically not being effected by physics as soon as they have a line to say. The pauses and facial expression that are supposed to convey something about what's being said are so bad and mistimed I would swear these people are aliens doing their best "honest we are humans" impressions. I think Nicholas Turturro and Mitch Lerner must have had a side bet going on who can make their part the most ridiculously bad without getting fired.
jrobert859 This movie is so bad and yet so funny at the same time that I found myself enjoying it from a humor standpoint. If you are expecting a serious film this one is not it. I would not be surprised if the filmmakers had three days to make this movie with a budget just over $50. I hope so anyway because if the budget was much bigger it would clearly be the worst piece of film work I have seen in my life time. OK, it is still the worst piece of film work on any budget.I am an amateur filmmaker and I can tell you that there is no excuse today for making a movie that looks as bad as this one does. The cinematography is pretty awful. I am easily able to better it with a camera kit that costs just over $1,000 without even putting much effort into it. Honestly with proper lighting techniques I am sure you could best a lot of what you see here with an Iphone camera. Perhaps the most annoying thing, and there are many, is the fact that the story takes place during the onslaught of a huge tornadic storm but all of the exterior shots feature blue sky and sunshine. There are several tutorials I have seen on how to make day shots look like night and some variation of these simple techniques would have helped a lot here. Some minor corrections in post with a cheap piece of editing software also could have done wonders. With the cost of cameras and editing materials today you can do much better then this.Putting aside the way the film looks however this is just a bad movie. Even if you have a better visual experience the acting, story, and visual effects are all pretty horrible. Like I said earlier if you go into this thinking that you want a laugh this might be a good experience. At the very least if you are a beginning filmmaker you will feel good watching this as I am sure your own stuff does not look this bad. If someone can get this work distributed as it is there is hope for everyone. Please just make a better movie then this!
winsomebulldog Seriously, how does The Asylum make money off this kind of garbage? It is a level of terrible that I can barely comprehend. Do they have a meeting with all the actors and direct them to be as horrible as possible? Never mind the atrocious plot line, cartoonish special effects, and total lack of anything approaching continuity. I had to back up just to confirm that I really had seen them showing a "radar" image of the supposed super cyclone crossing southern Florida despite the fact that it's repeatedly stated that this event is happening on the WEST coast. I get that there's some comedic value in horrible movies. We certainly laughed more than once at this piece of junk. But there's cheesy good and there's just plain bad. This was worse than bad. These "actors" should be truly ashamed to have their names listed in the credits of this "film." The writer and director should get out of the movie business, and The Asylum should make about one twentieth of the movies they're making now. Maybe then they'd be able to save up enough money to have a budget slightly larger than the one enjoyed by high school film makers.