Suicide Room
Suicide Room
NR | 04 March 2011 (USA)
Suicide Room Trailers

After enduring extreme humiliation at school, Polish teen Dominik holes himself up in his room and begins spending all his time in a virtual reality chat room.

ada the leading man is my tpye
Develiker terrible... so disappointed.
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Nicole Naimo This movie is nothing but life changing to me. I have severe depression and I've had it for about a year and a half. Over time it got worse and worse. A couple months ago I started wanting nothing more than to die. I wanted to feel so much pain on the outside, so I didn't have to concentrate on the pain that goes on inside me in which my mind brings me. I didn't want to live in a world where there's so much evil, hatred, and betrayal, and who does? If you watch the news you see there's more and more murders, house fires, kidnappings, raping, bombings, terrorist attacks, etc. To our society, it's not uncommon anymore to hear about these things. Now we don't even feel devastated or torn apart every time we have to hear about these things occurring. But if it's happening to you, it's a whole different story. So many people only care about themselves and their family that they don't take the time or effort in helping others in need. If anyone sees this comment I want to tell you please think about how you treat and act towards others. This world needs a big change. Before I die I want to say that I've helped at least one person get out of depression. That's why this movie changed my life. I wanted to die because I didn't want to have to witness all of this evil and betrayal. Of course there were many other reasons why I wanted to end my life but that's not important right now. The point is this movie made me, and hopefully many others, realize that I don't really want to kill myself. There's so much more to life than you think. The way this movie changed me is incredible. I recommend that anyone with depression or thoughts of suicide watch this movie.
id247 There's a lot going for this film. It's well directed and has a certain style. The animation sequences are quite beautiful, and the film's music soundtrack is very good.However the film's bleakness and the lack of sympathy I felt towards the main characters ruined the overall appreciation of the film.The four leads, Dominik, his parents, Beata and Andrzej, and Sylwia, are all horrible, selfish, people.Dominik is a spoilt brat, an only child, spoon fed in life he childishly throws tantrums when he doesn't get his own way.He is soon led into a world of madness by Sylwia, an immature and mentally unstable girl, who thinks the world revolves around her and her suicidal thoughts.Beata and Andrzej are too wrapped up in their work to be good and attentive parents, and when they're not cheating on each other and finally realise Dominik need help, their rudeness to the psychiatrists who offer their services is appalling.When you have a film which serves up such unappealing characters there is no emotional investment, I really couldn't care if they all lived or died.Having said that, I will watch out for director Jan Komasa's next film, he shows great promise.
KineticSeoul This is actually a very emo movie but also very impactful on as well. It shows how sometimes even if some people might look, act alright and fine and dandy but deep inside there can be darkness and pain. This movie portrays what a lot of teens and even adults go through when reality becomes way to difficult to bear. They enter a virtual world, away from reality. I like movies of this sort, in fact this one sort of reminded me of a film called "The Chumscrubber" which is another movie about how reality and virtual reality intertwine in a teens mind. While facing inner personal thoughts and inner demons. This movie is actually executed pretty well when it comes to showing the pain of a emo kid, although it can get annoying sometimes. Slight aspects or parts of it I think some people can maybe relate with. The performances from the cast is raw and real most of the time which really does add to a movie like this. The plot is about a overly sensitive and emotional teenage boy that gets humiliated at school. And despite coming from a very proper lifestyle and rich and successful parents. He feels neglected and goes through emotional instability because he feels that no one understands him. And thus dives into a virtual chat room called the Suicide Room. Which is a group where other emotionally damaged, recluse and secluded people come together in order to make a suicide pact. In another words, it's probably the worst group of people to get involved with. But he feels that this group is the only people that understands him and thus goes very far into the virtual world with them. This is a thoroughly emotionally driven movie, that is slow at times but haunting and compelling at the same time. And the ending leaves a impact and will probably stick with the audiences.7.6/10
jm10701 This is a very slickly produced, very pretentious, heavy-handed and plodding movie that presumes to be about teen suicide... or something - I'm really not sure what it was supposed to be. Maybe you have to be heavily into video games and Japanese cartoons - or a suicidal teenager - to appreciate it. All the technological glitz to me was just a huge, actually an insurmountable distraction. I tried to pick out what was happening to Dominik through all that crap, but it was hard work.Evidently he was a rich, spoiled, whiny, self-centered baby in a man's body, throwing fits in public whenever he felt put upon. That's what most of us are like at that age: some get over it and grow up, some get older but never grow up, and evidently some go off into a weird techno-nightmare and either stay there or kill themselves.The movie has a note at the beginning giving a hotline number for suicidal teens to call - if this movie brings comfort to any suffering kids, thank God for it; but as a movie, as entertainment, it's a plodding, heavy, glitzy, pretentious failure.