Sucker Money
Sucker Money
NR | 28 February 1933 (USA)
Sucker Money Trailers

A phony spiritualist hypnotizes the daughter of a wealthy banker in a scheme to swindle the banker out of his money. A reporter investigating the swami discovers the plot, determines to expose it.

Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
dougdoepke A crew of phony spiritualist scammers hooks a big bucks sucker, but things get complicated when an undercover reporter joins the crew.It's hard to do a spiritualist scam movie without getting hokey, especially with the lesser technology of the 30's. Nope, no digital wonders here, just costumed characters, back- projection screens, and fateful voices. Do the suckers fall for the phony theatre. Of course, they do, and for big money, too. I guess the pigeon here is smart enough to be a big-time investor, but dumb enough to be taken in by dime-store theatrics. Anyway, if you can get past the stumbling narrative and the awkward staging, there are a few compensations. Actress Busch conveys a sassy sense of reality that may not fit with the rest, but lends needed spark to the flat direction (two directors, which probably didn't help). Looks like she should be trading barbs with other street-smart types like Joan Blondell. Auer's got the face of a supernatural type, but rather surprisingly, doesn't play it up, thus weakening a pervasive sense of evil. And, I may be alone, but actor McCarthy could pass for an earlier edition of Paul Newman, at least in some shots. Too bad he died so young. And those two hulking black door guards amount to a note of visual inspiration, even if their dialog amounts to Amos and Andy.Overall, the movie's not bad enough for camp. In fact, it might even suffice for old movie junkies, like myself.
mark.waltz It's obvious from the get-go that this Z-grade programmer is formula from start to finish, standard stuff that never gives any surprises even if it has a few bright ideas along the way. You've got all the cardboard cut-out characters, from the con-artist fleecing the rich, the good-hearted tough dame, the wise-cracking stage manager, the dumb businessman, the fragile heroine and the handsome hero. It is also obvious that the good guys will prevail, the bad guys will pay and there will be a few innocent victims along the way. The usually over-the-top Mischa Auer takes it back a few notches to be subtle as he underplays his crooked swami (how I love ya, how I love ya...) to the point of actually making him boring. It is also obvious that when the hard-as-nails tough broad (the one with the heart of gold and liver of gin) puts on an old lady wig, she will instantly convince the heroine that she's her granny and another actor amongst the troop is her dear old dad. All this to get the rich people to invest in phony stocks (at the height of the depression, no less...) and this results in a botched kidnapping and furious chase sequence at the end. All this would be palatable if the quality of the camera work and sound wasn't so shoddy and the acting so melodramatically lame. This was done so much better years later with the campy "You'll Find Out" where Bela Lugosi had a lot of interesting gadgets as well as Karloff and Lorre and the music of Kay Kyser to basically do the same plot, but with more quality.
asinyne Sucker Money is a well directed, decently written film. Its also pretty respectably acted as well. A bonus is the fact not many films have been made about phony mediums so that makes it somewhat unique. I was kinda turned off by the lipstick and eyeshadow that leading man Earl McCarthy wore until I realized that it was all part of his undercover "job"...portraying a dead soldier. Amazingly, McCarthy dropped dead of a heart attack shortly after making this movie...despite the fact he was in his mid twenties and should have been in great shape, having been a professional dancer just a couple years before. Hmmmm, something fishy about all that in my opinion. People who aren't fascinated by these old black and white films will probably find nothing here. Others, like me will find that it holds their interest throughout. This would have been a wonderful vehicle for Bela Lugosi although the fellow who portrayed the swami was very good in creepy roles. I enjoyed it! It would be cool if someone investigated what really happened to young McCarthy.
GManfred I love museums and museum pieces. This is not a good movie but it gives an insight into a time that no longer exists - old-fashioned furniture, clothes and habits that went out of style way before many of us were born.That would be the only reason to see this picture.You can also see Mischa Auer before he became a pop-eyed relief comic in many musicals of the 30's and 40's, as well as some lesser-known actors who are long-gone.The plot line is negligible and far-fetched but it's fascinating to ponder how popular psychics were in the '30s. Also nice to see the 'ever-popular Mae Busch', as Jackie Gleason used to put it on his show. Evidently a pretty good actress who lacked timeless beauty.In short, Sucker Money is a curiosity not recommended except as a trip to the museum.