Stepsister from Planet Weird
Stepsister from Planet Weird
G | 17 June 2000 (USA)
Stepsister from Planet Weird Trailers

Megan's world is turned upside down when she hears her calm life with her little brother and single mum is about to change. She hears she's soon to have a stepfather and a stepsister. Megan thinks they're a bit weird and is determined to stop the wedding. She discovers they're actually even stranger than she thought - they're from another planet.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
rubybaybee To be perfectly honest, I found this movie rather funny and amusing for a Disney Channel original movie. Sure, the plot was corny and lame, as was the ridiculous and cliché ending that we all saw coming. But other than that, the characters were all pretty entertaining in their own ways. To me, it's usually the characters that give the movie personality anyway.The main character, Megan, is your typical spoiled suburban teenage girl who needs to be slapped in the face or else sent to boarding school. Her mother Kathy randomly meets a strange single father named Cosmo who just so happens to have a daughter of his own, Ariel, that is the same age as Kathy's daughter Megan. These two single parents decide to get engaged on a whim and basically thrust together their two very different daughters whose personalities naturally clash. Megan finds Ariel to be weird and eccentric on many levels while Ariel finds Megan to be "evil" as she repeatedly refers to as throughout the whole movie. They pretty much make it known right off the bat that Cosmo and Ariel are "not of this earth," so there isn't much thinking involved when watching this movie. They basically just solve the mystery of whether or not these people are REALLY from another planet by providing no mystery at all and just telling us flat-out, "Yes, they're aliens." As you can already predict without even seeing the movie, Ariel becomes one of two things at her new high school where Megan also attends: a total freak who gets made fun of relentlessly, or someone mistaken for cool and trendy which causes overnight popularity. Well, in this case, it's the second one for Ariel. Now of course, being the little jealous brat that she is, Megan now hates Ariel even more for coming into her life and "taking everything away from her" as she so dramatically puts it later on in the movie, due to this accidental popularity spurt at their high school. Ariel is suddenly a fashion icon, a gifted musician and poet, as well as a "babe" and a trend-setter on many levels once she sets foot at Megan's school. And, on top of all that, Megan's long-time crush Cutter falls for Ariel upon meeting her.Basically, the entire movie is really just the two main characters, Megan and Ariel, narrating their views on the sticky situation they're in through a "dear diary" form of story telling. Megan thinks the whole world has gone nuts while Ariel thinks Megan is out to get her and can't understand why. Meanwhile, the girls' parents are doing their own thing throughout the movie which is pretty much boring and useless as far as the plot goes.The real entertainment, at least for me anyway, lied within Cutter's airhead-esquire character's comments as well as the way Ariel managed to become "cool" overnight through doing ridiculous stunts such as wearing a football helmet while riding a bike and crashing into the bike rack upon arriving at school, as well as wearing layers of clothing to "protect her essence," singing strange melodies in music class, and "falling into the sink" to keep her hair looking shiny.I also enjoyed the hotness of Ariel's boyfriend, who visits in a later scene in the movie. Props to the casting director for picking at least one hot Australian kid to be in the film.If you like cheesy Disney movies with a few laughs, then see this. Otherwise, I wouldn't recommend it. There isn't much on the lesson-learning level nor is the plot deep or meaningful. It's really just a fun movie to watch on a rainy night in. My rating is 6 out of 10 stars.
Willow192 Disney has a history of coming up with very shallow and meaningless plots for their movies. This movie is no acceptation. People are saying that this movie is some kind of example for kids that are getting a new step family. Well, what I saw was shallowness and selfishness.By just looking at the title you can tell that the movie is destined to be a complete failure. Stepsister from the planet weird? It sounds like a 7 year old prissy princess came up with it.Maybe no one else has noticed but all Disney movies have to do with some kind of sport. They have motocrossing, surfing, skiing, etc. Well, this one is based on windsurfing. The problem is that the actors are never the ones doing the sports. In this movie we get to see a numerous amount of frames shot behind the person so that we don't get to see the stunt double's face. Why go through all of the unnecessary shots when windsurfing has nothing to do with the movie?Another problem that I had was the complete lack of depth to the movie. It makes it seem like all that "unpopular" kids want to do is be popular. There is nothing more to school than sitting at the "popular" table and being someone who you're really not.So when Ariel comes into the school, everyone thinks that everything that she does is completely cool because she's so beautiful. She falls over the bike rack on her bike with a football helmet's so cool! In turn everyone does it. Everyone dresses like her and tries to talk like her. If she were concidered unattractive do you think people would follow her the same way?But the shallowness doesn't stop there. Megan has a crush on a complete airhead because she thinks that he's cute. That airhead has a crush on Ariel because he thinks she's cute. The way in which they told the story was also poorly done. They spoke to us as if they were writing in a diary. If that's not bad enough, The director decided that he was going to switch the scenes by rewinding everything that had happened before. In turn we see the old scenes being fast forwarded, and then watch them again with another person's voice. And starting off by say "Dear Diary" didn't help much. We never even saw them writing in a diary. We don't even know if they have a diary.The scenes involving the two aliens in bubbles are just pointless. The affects didn't even look anywhere near real. It also doesn't make sense. If they're from another planet, how could they obtain the body of a human, but still turn back into their old bubbly form? And why would they jump into a sink rather than a bathtub. Why would you do it in a public bathroom? And how would they speak English in their other planet either?(Spoilers) Ariel devotes a lot of her time to contacting her boyfriend on her other planet because they were so in love. In turn, her boyfriend comes back with his father. He doesn't like Ariel anymore because he finds her unattractive. Then Megan comes in and he instantly falls in love with her. Does he not stop to think that his girlfriend put herself and her dad in grave danger to contact him because she loves him? He "likes Megan's brown head over Ariel's blonde." (More Spoilers) The ending is just plain ridiculous. Well, throughout the whole movie all we heard about was how Ariel fears the wind. At the end the mean master turns himself back into a bubble and they blast him away with hairdryers. The questions are, where did he get all of the blow dryers, and where were they plugged in.(End of Spoilers) Now lets slam the acting. Coutnee Draper acts like a spoiled little rich girl who's mad because her daddy didn't buy her the newest NSYNC CD. No, one's bangs should move that much when they speak. You can also so her "acting" on the Disney Original Show 'The Jersey.' Hopefully, she will never get anywhere other than The Disney Channel.Tamara Hope doesn't fair much better than Courtnee. I think the only reason that she won this role was because she had a pretty face and even prettier hair. She has nothing in the way of acting talent but fortunately for us, doesn't have any bangs to shake while she talks. She couldn't even pull off the parts in which she was sending her little space language to her boyfriend by moving her hand from left to right.The parents and the little brother were also horrible. As well as the "psychic" and Megan's father. It's a shame that everyone in the movie managed to botch their acting so badly that you cringed with every word that they spoke. There's nothing special here at all. It's even worse than most of Disney's other original movies.
tranquility4you At first I thought this movie was one of those boring, uninteresting movies from what I saw on the commercial. But it turned out to be a really good movie that is very unique, and funny also, great for viewing with the family. The movie is narrated by two girls, so you get both sides of what they are thinking about in the same situation.
shannon-52 This movie is very good and one the whole family will enjoy. It is fun while also teaching that family is the most important thing. This is a lesson that children today especially need to learn. Good, non-violent movie!!