Step Up 3D
Step Up 3D
PG-13 | 06 August 2010 (USA)
Step Up 3D Trailers

A tight-knit group of New York City street dancers, including Luke and Natalie, team up with NYU freshman Moose, and find themselves pitted against the world's best hip hop dancers in a high-stakes showdown that will change their lives forever.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Ian Rupert And by cowbell, I mean more autotune in all the songs. There were a few songs where I could actually hear the singer's real voice and that is soooo two-thousand and late.I give this a 7/10 and it would be every bit of a 10/10 if they only could "Step up" their autotune game.
bhuyan-ayush What do you expect in a dance movie, especially one based on street dance? Let me guess, cool songs, great bass, amazing moves, and fashionable clothing?. Well this movie has it ALL. But that's where the problem lies. Thats pretty much everything that's there in the movie. I was looking for something fun to watch and thats how I ended up wacthing STEP UP 3D. (actually it is in 3D but i saw it in 2D :( ). This is usually the part where I explain the plot in about 2-3 lines but afraid i might leak out the whole thing in 3 lines. No I am not exaggerating, the plot is really simple and straightforward. Fine, I'll give it a shot. The movie is about a dance crew in New York, "Pirates", participating in the "World Jam" dance competition. If you've had even the least bit of experience of a hip hop movie, you already know the ending. Like always there's a rival crew and the leaders of both the crews have some personal feud going on...(yawn)...but thats not it. What really helps carry on the tradition of the Step Up series is some really ridiculous acting and dialogs. How did I find the movie? Well, not really bad if you look from my point of view. (WHAT!!!!??). Ya seriously, I had fun. The point is you have to treat hip hop movies in a different way. Since its a dance movie, the weightage surely shifts towards well, the DANCE!, the moves and the songs. This is where Step Up has always done great. Trust me, the dancing, is awesome!. Some of the moves are simply incredible. I loved the robot dance and the one with the lights and everything. Sharni Vinson (the main girl) is so much better with her moves than clumsy Andy (Step Up 2). Remember the skinny kid with curly hair? Moose? Yeah, we see Adam Sevani dancing again as Moose in the movie. He is, as always mind blowing. He is shown as an engineering major studying in NYU. The moves are so groovy and funky that its really going to give you the urge to start dancing right away. In fact I've been listen to hip-hop, RnB, and trance since morning. The dance steps also might give some cool ideas to real life dancers. Even my college dance crew copied many moves from the movie. There is plenty of locking and popping. Okay that's as far as dancing is concerned. The tracks are even cooler. There are some really dope ones like Beggin, My Own Step, Club Can't Handle Me, Take Your Shirt Off, Jump Jump, Squeeze it and other T-Pain'ish stuff in both the movie and the OST. The bass feels awesome. The music on the whole kicks some serious ass (read "butt" if not cool). But besides all that there's also emphasis on the clothing. The shoes that are shown in the movie are really hot stuff. I loved the limited edition Gunmetal NIKE. So, in the end all i can add is if you are the kind of person who like me, loves dance, hip hop, music with funky bass, and likes to be fashionable then this movie is definitely a must watch. For the ones completely opposite, not advisable AT ALL. For the rest, its upto you, but i recommend watching it when in mood for light entertainment. Also watch it in surround sound like i did, to enjoy more.
capone666 Step Up 3DIf impromptu dance-offs occur on your campus often, there's a pretty good chance your dormitory is infested with jitterbugs.Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any creepy crawlies in this dance movie, save for the worm.When street-dancers Moose (Adam Sevani) and Camille (Alyson Stoner) attend NYU they must decide how to spend their time away from home: poplocking or learning? While Camille chooses the ladder, Moose joins an underground dance crew that aspires to win the upcoming World Jam dance contest.Meanwhile, the crew's videographer (Rick Malambri) unknowing falls for the sister (Sharni Vinson) of the rival squad's leader. Needles to say, routines are stolen and new ones are needed.While the dance moves are mind-boggling, the rest of Step Up 3D is a retread of every other dance movie out there.However, it is proof that University is more than just about books; it's about pulling your groin. (Red Light)
EmilyMoulder Having been a teenager until not so long ago, I was occupying a front row seat for many of dance movies that have found their way to the big screen over the last decade. In that time I've been considering whether or not I can respect a movie that boasts a rubbish story but really good dancing.I've come to the conclusion that no – I bloody can't.It's not acceptable for several of these dance movies to all have exactly the same plot (they need to raise money) as well as crap acting but be saved by their dance-floor acrobatics. The Red Shoes managed to produce enough skills to pay the bills in the acting and story department, as well as amazing dance sequences. Save The Last Dance did it as well, so what the hell happened to the rest of them? Step Up 3D instantly lost my respect because it tries to cram in as many elements of Rent and West Side Story as it possibly can whilst trying to convince us that it's really earnest and genuine. Dancers living in a loft together in New York? Check. Rivalry with another dance troupe? Check. Forbidden romance? Big fat check.The biggest problem I had with Step Up 3D is that it's main character Luke (Rick Malambri) – the leader of a group who live and dance together – is always trying to afford the roof over their heads. This would be fine if it looked like they were struggling for money even a tiny bit. They live in an amazing loft conversion with a huge dance studio, a wall covered in expensive sneakers and Luke has state of the art filming and editing equipment. Either they're all hookers on the weekend or this is a huge oversight by the writers – I was kind of hoping it would be the former.Luke is a boring main character who doesn't look like he could lead the proverbial horse to water, let alone try to make it drink. The real centre piece is the young dancer Moose (Adam G. Sevani) from Step Up 2: The Streets, who has been forced into an engineering degree by his parents. Now Moose is struggling to keep his passion alive while juggling his studies and his friendship with childhood pal Camille. Unfortunately, he's needlessly sidelined in favour of following Luke and his boring rivalry with the Samurai dance troupe leader, Julien.Step Up 3D is shot with 3D cameras so the effect is actually worth the ticket price for once, as are the dance sequences, particularly the spectacular finale. The dancing and the extra dimension are the best things about the movie because the dialogue is flat, there's little humour and the occasional giggle is unintentional. Get your friends together for an Orange Wednesday and give Step Up 3D a good mocking, it's the only way to make the most of this film.