R | 23 May 2004 (USA)
Stateside Trailers

The film follows a rebellious teenager on leave from the Marines who falls in love with a female musician. The relationship is threatened when she develops a mental illness...

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
whpratt1 Greatly enjoyed this film because it portrayed a great love story that grew between Rachael Leigh Cook,(Dori Lawrence) and Jonathan Tucker, (Mark Deloach). Mark Deloach came from a very rich family and his father had very little interest in Mark and when he got in trouble with a car accident and caused many problems, his father decided he should go into the Marine Corps. This film shows the very rough training that marines go through and Mark Deloach proves he can become a good marine and comes home to a very cold reception in his father's large mansion. Mark falls deeply in love with Rachael Cook despite the fact that she is a mental patient and all her professional nurses and doctors suggest that Mark stop seeing her and break off their relationship. This story clearly shows that if you love someone and cannot get them out of your mind night or day and really want them as soul mates to live with forever no matter who they are, don't miss out on getting married and love each other to death. Great Film and great acting by the entire cast.
the_dude_5446 I Just finished watching Stateside and I got to say that I really enjoyed it. The plot really hit home for my girlfriend and I because I'm going to be going to boot camp for the Marines in a month, so we just happened to pick it up and were instantly locked in. Val Kilmer gives an amusing and extremely different performance as a Marine DI, he steals all of his scenes and his dialog with the recruits is hilarious. While I liked the film i'll admit i'm being a little biased since i'm going to enlist in the Marines, this movie is not for everybody. It's a good movie for men and women in the military who have to deal with being able to see the ones they love not as often as they'd like to. It's just a sweet romance movie that has real and down to earth dialog, that will remind anybody about those little dorky moments that lovers have and always remember.
Claudio Carvalho In the 80's, the irresponsible teenager Mark Deloach (Jonathan Tucker) of a wealthy and powerful family causes an accident crashing his car and seriously wounding a priest and a school friend. The judge offers him the chance to join the Marines as alternative sentence. Later he meets the schizophrenic singer and actress Dori Lawrence (Rachel Leigh Cook) and they fall in love for each other. However, their love becomes almost impossible when he has to travel overseas and she worsens her mental illness.I decided to see "Stateside" with no expectations, but I found a surprisingly good romance. Based on a true story, the situations are original and I really liked. Rachel Leigh Cook is very beautiful and charming, and it is her best performance among the many films of her filmography that I have seen. The nasty and expendable part of the plot is the training of the Marines, with offensive words and prejudice against Arabs and communists, making easy to understand the images we frequently see on TV of the abuses mainly against Iraqi prisoners. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): "Perfeitos no Amor" ("Perfect in Love")
thickmonkey I think all movies with plot developments that stretch a little bit should use the 'based on a true story' tag. With that you can get away with anything. What really happened in your true story? What did you shoehorn in there to make this point or that, or to throw viewers off the scent of trying to figure out who your actress girlfriend was?Val Kilmer was the most pleasant surprise of the movie.What was with the sequence where the rejected hero went drinking and hit on women with delightful facial pores and that had a predilection for taking shots of blue liquid and ended with a minor car accident with no consequences.Stateside had plenty of blind alleys like that. You don't have to smack me over the head to demonstrate plot points but several times there were inserted scenes of characters doing everyday things that neither advanced the plot, nor developed the characters, nor conveyed a relevant tone. It recalled She's under the Influence except done sloppily or ineffectively.The dialog was different. It had a spare poeticism that hit home at some points like when the father and the hero leave the courtroom. The dialog was stylizedatmposherics when coming out of the mouth of the Marine drill Seargeant. The dialog tried to convey too much complexity like when the worker who runs the group home explains why the hero can't see Dorie anymore. At all times, however, I could not escape hearing the voice of the screenwriter coming out of the mouths of each of the characters.There were other examples of self indulgence. Like at the school dance where the hero was herded into a group photo with a bevy of negligible characters. He used a snapshot freeze frame device which served little emotional purpose except to perhaps recreate one of the filmmaker's favorite photos of himself.What saved the movie for me were the scenes between the hero and Dorie. It felt genuine. When you create a new reality with someone, your language bends around that reality and the dialogue and performances conveyed that nicely.I'm all for subtlety and experimentation and extending or having fun with clichés. This movie had all of those, but it seems that the filmmaker could stand to polish his storytelling craft a shade or two better.Regarding identifying the mystery girl. Some possible hints:The name Exene was tossed around in the apartment with the band before the implied gang bang. Like maybe the band the mystery girl was in had some sort of connection to LA Punk band X with Exene Cervenka?The scene from the 'movie' Dorie was in seemed Bond like.Evil Dead came up in a conversation, though it seemed like she wasn't in that movie. Then later he went to see Evil Dead. Maybe the mystery girl was in evil dead. Most people in that movie other than the chin guy didn't make too many movies after evil dead.