Star Trek: Renegades
Star Trek: Renegades
| 01 August 2015 (USA)
Star Trek: Renegades Trailers

It is nearly ten years after Voyager's return from the Delta Quadrant, and the Federation is in a crisis. The Federation's main suppliers of dilithium crystals are disappearing. Space and time have folded around several planets, effectively isolating them from any contact with outside worlds. And this phenomenon is not natural - someone or something is causing this to happen. This necessitates drastic measures; some of which are outside the Federation's normal jurisdiction. For this, Admiral Pavel Chekov, head of Starfleet Intelligence, turns to Commander Tuvok, Voyager's former security officer and current head of the newly reorganized Section 31. Tuvok must put together a new covert, renegade crew - mostly outcasts and rogues - even criminals. This new crew is tasked with finding out what is causing the folding of time and space, and stopping it - at all costs.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
clausss-54031 Really, I might be harsh, given the fact I've watched almost everything in the Star Trek, universe and I might be inclined to pat them on the shoulder and say "congrats for the effort". But no. Leaving the wooden acting aside, whoever was in charge of photography, did a lousy job. Such cheap green-screen shots are unnaceptable, when your overlay is so damn visible with the naked eye. Go for something else in this case. Even the lighting is way off... what did they use, ikea lamps? I get it, no money, but why did they went for such a small funding campaign? Bad lighting, bad set design, bad photography (no focus pulling in some key moments, wobbly camera moves, even bouncy at some times, no tracking shots), all leads for a proper self-burial of the movie. Even when the story captivates you, some shots are so bad/cheap that they manage to yank you out of the immersion in the story you were starting to feel. Look at creators on Vimeo and Youtube... those guys manage to get more cinematic shots than this movie. Wtf? You had one job to somehow save this project, with proper cinematography, and proper planned and executed shots (leaving aside amateuristic VFX and wooden acting) but you managed to screw it even in this department. Where did all the money go, in the modeling of the ships and the space action shots with them? Because those were the only things looking ok in this movie.
Logan McGregor this is so poorly put together, the F-X are cheaply done, I have seen better in a fan clip. and the space scene looked like in might have been taken out of the old television show. I have seen better acting in community theater. the acting is was so predictable i could read each action. and to use cuneiform as the language and not be original. and the makeup was so poor I wouldn't want it in a haunted house people would be laughing on there way out. I've seen better actors in a haunted house. and script had absolutely no substance to it. the script would be better served to help heat a house. I would say nice effort but I don't think they really but any effort in to writing this.
samgreer-694-680740 Days of our Lives plus V (the crappy '80s TV series) = this abomination. San Fran looks like a scene out of V 1984 in this movie. Is there a protagonist? Antagonist? IDK. Too many characters, too little plot. They boldly went where no one wanted to go. I never thought I'd be yearning for Chris Pine, but then I didn't think the bar for this franchise could be lowered any further. I guess this is like a 90 minute episode of that "Next Generation" garbage? Don't know exactly because I can't watch that show - it's so awful. This is equally horrible, so its probably pretty close. I'd love to tell you how it ended, but I didn't make it that far. I have no desire to know, you won't either. You'll be looking to transport out of this disaster.
bjeardoe82 I'll first point out you won't find spoilers here. I also did not back this movie, so this won't be a fan-boy review. I am, however, a huge fan of the franchise.The acting in this movie was horrid. Only one or two actors have any chops. The fact that they had to bring in a cast of characters from many other star trek series to lend validity to the branding of the movie tells you a lot. Those they brought in either acted deadpan, or like they had a gun to their heads.The special effects were mostly pretty terrible. A few of the space sequences were worthy of the name Star Trek, but most fall short of the mark.The props and set constructions looked and felt cheap throughout the entire movie.The sound were the famous star trek sounds, but even they sounded tinny and were badly mixed in.The only thing that made me finish this movie, was that it was so terrible I had to see how bad it got before the end.