Star Trek: Of Gods And Men
Star Trek: Of Gods And Men
PG | 22 December 2007 (USA)
Star Trek: Of Gods And Men Trailers

The year is 2306… 12 years ago, Captain Kirk was swept away by the Nexus. One year later, Commander Scott was reported missing along with the USS Jenolen. The remaining USS Enterprise crew have split. Captain Spock and Doctor McCoy are on Khitomer, continuing their work towards peace the Klingon Empire. Captain Sulu and the Excelsior are on a mission beyond the Alpha Quadrant. Captain Chekov, feels his career has stalled, leaving him to ponder retirement. Captain Uhura, Director of Starfleet Linguistics, feels there may be something missing in her life.Now, Chekov and Uhura, with John Harriman, former Captain of the Enterprise-B, come together for the dedication of a new ship. However, their reunion is cut short when they receive a distress call from an all-too-familiar planet, where they meet up with an almost-forgotten face, and in an instant, something happens that presses the three friends to embark on a mission that will forever change their lives…

Clevercell Very disappointing...
TinsHeadline Touches You
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
siderite I had expected something really bad, with cardboard sets and ridiculous dialogue. You know, like the original Star Trek. The production values were very low, with inferior computer graphics, bad montage, actors that looked like they were volunteers, but the dialogue was not that bad, the story was OK and the people working were clearly enjoying themselves.So, in fact, this was exactly what I didn't expect: a good movie! I can easily overlook low budget constraints when the story is nice enough and the actors are making the effort.Bottom line: this is more related to Star Trek the original series than with other Star Trek movies or incarnations and therefore must be seen as a continuation of TOS and not something to rival Next Generation. The plot was not brilliant, but it did the job and was consistent with what one would expect from a Star Trek movie. Overall I was pleasantly surprised and I enjoyed watching it.
savagesteve13 The plot is rather complex, which is unusual for the simplistic ones of TOS. As an older Trek fan, its great to see a veritable tour de force of actors coming back to reprise their roles from past movies and series, with only a few exceptions. This is unusual in that it is "Uhura-centric", where she plays a core character and of course handles it in a different more female way of doing things. There's still plenty of phaser action and explosions for the guys though, and who doesn't like a green skin slave girl character. Low production values detract immensely, and the CGI is absolutely terrible. I've seen much better stuff from Babylon V and they were using Amiga 2000 computers back in 1994. Pyrotechnics were also missing. Actors didn't have squibs when they got hit by phasers so they just jumped backwards and fell. Going on the cheap. The dialogue also was kind of stilted and forced. Nobody felt comfortable which is usually the hallmark of STTNG. The only one that seemed relaxed was good old Walter Koenig, though his lines were not well written.It could have been much better. To have been graced with so many veteran Sci-Fi actors and then to nuke the production with cheap CGI and a poor script, well its makes you feel that it could have been great if done right.
Kevin Schuhmacher Star Trek has been a part of so many peoples lives and has inspired so many people to go into many different occupations, from doctors to engineers, astronauts and many more. Some of the top minds in the world are Star Trek fans. I am proud of the people that took the time to do this project, thank you! The story on the filming conditions was terribly funny, well not to the cast and crew, the Enterprise bridge used for this film is located by a busy train track so every time a train would roll on by they would have to stop filming, plus I heard the humidity was horrendous. To all my fellow Star Trek fans this is a must see. Live Long & Prosper as they say on Vulcan! Kevin out.........^v^
philipwalsh I have to say that I know it is low budget but if your a real Star Trek fan then you will still enjoy the movie! It has many great actors that you will already know and love.This for me is a good stop gap before the new movie and it is worth a few hours of your time watching it.The movie picks a story that is new to us but relates to a story that we might already know about so in that respect it really makes it just a stop gap.It is good to see some of the old cast from STO but also good to see some of the voyager crew in it.Sit down and relax with a beer of too and enjoy it! I know I did.
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