Star Hunter
Star Hunter
| 09 January 1996 (USA)
Star Hunter Trailers

Star hunters are the space monsters who hunt helpless creatures for pleasure. One night couple of high school fotball players and their cheerleaders are returning home after the lost game. But, when their bus makes the wrong turn, they are going to meet those creatures, and the real game will begin.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
randy woods The only reason I gave this movie 1 star is because I couldn't give it any less. An absolute, total waste of time. The special effects were extremely cheesy (flashing lights on the screen for no apparent reason), the acting was horrible (the kids I could understand, but when Roddy McDowell acts "down" to a movie like this, it was really sad to see), the aliens were a total rip-off of Predator (and a bad one at that), the "tracker" was a ridiculous rip-off of the Star Wars Stormtroopers. Stella Stevens looked pretty good but her part was hard to watch as well. It looked as if the entire film was filmed by an eighth grader with a 20 pound shoulder held video camera from the 80's. I usually like anything science fiction, but this was beyond anything I could stomach.
SataiDelen I love Roddy McDowell, but, I felt so bad for him being in this movie. It's low-budget, really bad concept, and horribly bad acting. Need I go on? Apparently so. A shame really, since I've said everything that needs to be said about this HORRIBLE movie!!!!! It reminded me of a really low-budget early '80's campy horror flick. It's supposed to be scary, but with all the horrid acting, I was applauding and laughing every time one of the idiot kids got killed! Want a good horror flick? Go watch something else...ANYTHING else! Skip this movie! If I could give this film zero stars, I would! There are so many better horror flicks you could be watching instead of this movie!
pets raisk i retrieved this films DVD about 2 days ago from supermarket good sale for my every after Friday hangover.glad i did watch it today cos i didn't waste my time so much.. this film has uncountable glitches and numerous flaw's and most surprising thing is that they even didn't hide those i mean in other awful movies they actually try to hide mistakes and stuff like that.Graphic and quality is under any level of mention, when i started to watch i thought that there's a mistake and its not DVD but CD.. after checking i realized its the movie its self so inequality... Special effects are just a joke.. a eye cutting kind of first i toughed that 1.5 Eur's for that film is cheap but after watching it i was like god damn why dint i buy 2 beers or pack of smoke instead..but there's 1 positive thing about my DVD... subtitles were extremely wrong...first 10 minutes it was fun then after 15 minutes it was annoying and after 20 minutes i turned subtitles off.a real pearl for my B-category crap movies collection.
nerff20 Heheheheeee! This movie is soooo bad it's good! It's so funny! One time, this guy turns to his friends and says, "Guys, I think we're in the hood." It's so funny cause the way he says it, he sounds like he's giving his son a talk about sex! The movie's about these dumb high school kids with their even dumber bus driver (she doesn't even know where their High School is!!!) who get lost in "THE HOOD!" They meet this weird guy with white hair and huge sun glasses who collects people's heads. He tells them to go hide so he can play a game, and then this one guy who looks like the Predator's inbred relative suits up and tries to kill everyone. Some great parts are when the bus driver gets shot and some blood pops up on her face, but there's no wound! Another is the first time the Star Hunter is shot, he explodes; next shot, he's just fine! Plus, every time he's shot after that they show the same scene of him grabbing his left shoulder! The best part: the little robot at the beginning!MST3K fans won't want to miss this one.