Stage Door Canteen
Stage Door Canteen
NR | 24 June 1943 (USA)
Stage Door Canteen Trailers

A young soldier on a pass in New York City visits the famed Stage Door Canteen, where famous stars of the theater and films appear and host a recreational center for servicemen during the war. The soldier meets a pretty young hostess and they enjoy the many entertainers and a growing romance

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
EarDelightBase Waste of Money.
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Micransix Crappy film
Lechuguilla Well-known performers and film stars entertain, serve food and drink to, and socialize with, young WWII soldiers and sailors, before these guys go off to war. The fictional plot follows three or four young servicemen in particular, and their encounters with attractive young females whose work at the canteen involves being the guys' romantic dates for a couple of hours.Most of the plot takes place at the canteen, a New York City nightclub with dance floor and stage. The atmosphere is intentionally lively and upbeat. For servicemen, it's a momentary escape both from the demands of military duty and the prospect of overseas battle. Yet there's an undercurrent of loneliness and separation, knowing that in war not everyone returns safely to friends and family. Owing to these melancholy and sad themes, I find the token plot more interesting than the appearance of celebrities.Some of the entertainers do nothing more than chitchat for a minute or so with the servicemen. Other entertainers perform on stage. And it is the selection of performers and their musical numbers that I found quite disappointing. Almost all of the selected songs and comedy routines were downright boring. Of course it was a different era then, so judgment needs to be tempered with a sense of historical perspective.B&W lighting is acceptable, but it would have been interesting to see this film in color. The sounds of the performing bands seemed tinny or thin to me; maybe it's just the era technology. Casting and acting are acceptable. The appearance of the celebrities could have been enhanced if they had been wearing name tags, or in some way could have been identified by name."Stage Door Canteen" is a lengthy film, which could have been rendered higher quality with less dialogue and far better stage entertainment. Yet, it's worth watching as a useful window into an era that is long gone, an era of some interesting performers, almost none of whom are with us anymore.
mark.waltz It's a shame that many of the great stars here do not appear together, for it is a movie and theater addict's dream to see such fabulous personalities like Tallulah Bankhead, Judith Anderson, Katharine Hepburn, Katherine Cornell and Lynn Fontanne work together, in addition to socializing. Some are on and off so fast that you may forget that they were in this classic World War II musical overstuffed with talent. It's no different than the more well known "Hollywood Canteen" made by Warner Brothers the following year, featuring some dramatic stars doing musical numbers and tons and tons of specialties.The dramatic stars here don't sing or dance; They mainly walk around and socialize with the soldiers and sailors patronizing the famous nightclub where only military personnel were allowed to visit. Some film personalities not known for their stage work do appear here, most memorably Johnny Weismueller (showing the very macho Franklin Pangborn how to do his Tarzan yell), Merle Oberon, William Demarest, recording star Peggy Lee, and radio personalities Kay Kyser, Edgar Bergen and Jack Benny.Among the recent Broadway stars who get to perform musical numbers are Broadway's two Ethels (Waters and Merman) and Ray Bolger, with comic moments from Ed Wynn and Hugh Herbert and a particularly memorable anti-Nazi song (followed with a musical rendering of "The Lord's Prayer") by British comic favorite Gracie Fields. The rare film appearance by the legendary Katherine Cornell is memorable by her sudden recital of a scene from "Romeo and Juliet" with a stage struck soldier. Bankhead roams around the tables as only she can, offering unsolicited advice to the romantic goings on between the soldiers and the girls working at the factory. What little story there is involves canteen worker Cheryl Walker who marries a visiting soldier and is dismissed from her duties by president Selena Royle for breaking the rules. Walker is consoled by Katherine Hepburn who provides the moral of the story. Those watching this lengthy film simply for her presence in it will have to wait more than two hours for her appearance, but she makes the most out of her small cameo.The magnificent Judith Anderson gets to show her real personality by being rather flip with a soldier who didn't recognize her when she greeted him upon his arrival. The film makes more attention towards her role of Mrs. Danvers in "Rebecca" than it does her legendary stage work which was very active at this time with acclaimed revivals of "Hamlet" and "The Three Sisters" while making occasional supporting appearances in movies. Dame May Witty, very busy in movies at this time, is a surprise visitor to the canteen, treated very regally in her encounter with the beautiful Merle Oberon. The film does make its point with all of these cameos, being a very important historical record of how soldiers and sailors on leave were entertained while on the town.
Jimmy L. STAGE DOOR CANTEEN (1943) is a lot of fun for what it is. What it is is a patriotic morale-booster that brings the star-studded experience of New York's Stage Door Canteen to a wartime audience. Canteens were set up by big names in show business to entertain servicemen on their home soil, free of charge.The film is chock-full of celebrity cameos by dozens of famous stars of the stage, screen, and radio. Most of the celebrities are identified in some way, although big-time classic movie fans should have fun spotting them first.The movie is a product of its time, and seen many decades removed from its original context it becomes something of a time capsule, showcasing the entertainment of a past generation. Some of the names will be a bit obscure to modern audiences (particularly stage stars who didn't make many movies).* Guest stars include ventriloquist Edgar Bergen, vaudeville comedian Ed Wynn, Oscar-winners Katharine Hepburn and Paul Muni, the jazz bands of Benny Goodman and Count Basie, and various Hollywood supporting players and entertainment personalities.Where else can you see Franklin Pangborn wash dishes with jungle man Johnny Weissmuller? Other highlights are scenes between married Broadway stars Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne, a rousing song by Ethel Merman, and a comic striptease by Gypsy Rose Lee (strictly rated G -- more "tease" than "strip").Classic movie fans will get more out of this film than the uninitiated, who might not recognize the faces or even the names that go with them. The movie works best when you can appreciate the cameos.Don't expect much in the way of plot. Comedy bits and musical numbers are strung together by a story of young soldiers visiting the Canteen on leave before being shipped overseas and the girls they meet inside. The young romances reflect the bittersweet reality of wartime relationships.Cheryl Walker is lovely as the ice queen hostess who comes to the Canteen for all the wrong reasons. She's looking to further her own acting career and isn't particularly interested in showing the soldiers a good time. Marjorie Riordan is cute as one of the other hostesses, who spends time with a soldier who has no sweetheart back home.STAGE DOOR CANTEEN isn't wartime escapism. Director Frank Borzage doesn't try to distract the audience from the global situation. He keeps the audience constantly reminded, with the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines that populate the Canteen and the alternately upbeat and somber patriotic tunes. Amid all the star-gazing, the film comes out in support of the U.S. servicemen, as well as America's allies in combat from Australia, the U.K., Russia, and even China. It's not hard to imagine the comfort the film must have given audiences at the height of World War II.*The similarly-themed HOLLYWOOD_CANTEEN (1944) may have more recognizable stars, boasting some of the biggest names from Warner Bros. films (Bette Davis, Joan Leslie, Joan Crawford, John Garfield, S.Z. Sakall, Ida Lupino, Jack Carson, Sydney Greenstreet, Jane Wyman, etc.).
Gary Lewin I loved this film. I actually found it on youtube. Most of the reviews have concentrated on the fact that all those celebrities of the wartime era were seen. And it was indeed lovely to see them especially Katharine Hepburn who was lovely as ever. And the beautiful Merle Oberon.But for me the best part of the movie was the interaction of the soldiers and the girls. And I was especially enthralled by the performances of the little known actor William Terry as Dakota and actress Cheryl Walker as Eileen.This was obviously their one chance to shine in a big movie and I feel they did so magnificently. Indeed without them I don't think there would have been a film at all as you can't just have a movie filled with a bunch of cameo performances.I thought William Terry gave a lovely performance as the gentle Dakota. While Cheryl Walker I thought to be quite brilliant as the self centred Eileen who changes at the end. Indeed there were tears in my eyes at the conclusion. And it was definitely their performances that made the movie for me.