Spawn of the Slithis
Spawn of the Slithis
PG | 21 July 1978 (USA)
Spawn of the Slithis Trailers

A nuclear leak creates a mutant Slithis sea monster, which terrorizes the variety of pets, winos, and hippies who hang around Venice, California.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Sam Panico Lithis is a lot like Godzilla. He comes from radiation, he's green and he wants to make humanity pay. But really, the comparisons stop there.Shot over twelve fifteen-hour days, Slithis seems like it was hell for the actor who portrayed the monster, Win Condict. He had to be sewn into the rubber Slithis costume at the beginning of every day and stay in it until shooting was done. There were no buttons. No zippers. Only Slithis.The monster's rage starts with dogs, who frankly had nothing to do with his condition. Please join our dog Angelo in his protest of movies that use threatening and murdering dogs to cheaply draw our attention.My biggest question is why is Wayne Connors' (the hero of the film) wife named Jeff (Judy Motulsky from the little known Idaho Transfer)?The entire first hour of this movie concerns the boring research and tracking of the creature. By the time they find him, it's shocking just how well done the costume is. It doesn't need hidden, so why did we have to wait so long to see it?No, instead the film forces us to watch a turtle race. I kid you not. You know what? That's actually kind of awesome that instead of telling a gripping, horror-filled tale, the directorial choice was to show the entirety of a race between animals that are classically known as the slowest around.
jaguiar313 I love a 'so bad it's good' movie just as much as the next movie geek but, this 1978 "gem" is just all round bad. I had the misfortune of catching this in a theater back in '78 and let's just say it hasn't gotten any better with age and it's still so bad that 70s nostalgia just doesn't help. The movie tells the story of a school teacher who (for whatever reason) is trying to solve the mystery of some animal mutilations and later human murders around a Venice California cove. The police think it's a serial killer or a cult and forensics can't seem to tell animal bites when they see them. He discovers that a leak from a nearby nuclear plant created an organic sludge called "Slithis" (never explained) which takes on characteristics of what it absorbs and it is now a humanoid fish monster craving food. From it's awful dialog to it's even worse delivery of that dialog (an actor playing a police chief seems to think he's playing a bad guy on a Sid and Marty Kroft show.), Slithis is mind numbingly bad. Half the films shots are in slow motion for no reason, including the opening scene of a fat kid playing Frisbee, which means it's scant 80 minute running time would be less then an hour without them. The Slithis creature costume is okay but it looks like a pudgy Creature From The Black Lagoon and the human eyes are just too nice and blue to illicit fears. And as a horror film, fear is something this completely lacks. From the easily telegraphed attack scenes, where most of the carnage is off camera, to the tone , which goes from serious to oddly whimsical at times ( What kind of film where they trying to make?), Slithis can't generate any suspense or tension whatsoever. There is some blood but, with a PG rating, Slithis is rather tame and there are only a few attack sequences as the film is very talky for an 80 minute creature feature. An awful film that somehow has garnered a bit of a reputation but, after revisiting it, I can only guess it was from lack of availability as the film has very little to recommend even to fans of bad movies.
tbyrne4 "We catch that mean mother!" What a piece of 70s tripe this movie is. Bad on many different levels. Not totally inept. It actually could've been a fairly decent little movie, but the biggest problem is just how BORING it is. Why are these movies so BORING! I start to watch them and after a half hour my eyes start drooping. I can't help it. I think it would have helped if they had shown Slithis in the light more often. We keep seeing him in the dark and apparently they couldn't afford LIGHTS on this movie so he basically just looks like a big shadow. But then, on the flip side, when we do get a good look at him, the Slithis costume looks pretty lame, so I guess you just can't win.It also might have helped to actually have a few more scenes of Slithis killing people or doing things. Or just a few more scenes of Slithis in general. The characters are flat out dull, so that doesn't help. It's a bad sign when you start thinking "wait a minute, isn't this a monster movie?!" because you can't remember the last time the monster was On screen!!!!!The movie isn't totally without interest. But I wouldn't go out of my way to see it. And I'm certainly not going to sit through the freakin thing again (I don't think I'd be able to without falling asleep)POINTS OF INTEREST:the hero who has a girlfriend named "Jeff" the first five minutes of the movie (why exactly are they in slow-motion?) Dr. John's jaw-dropping scientific explanation of what Slithis is (even the actors look bored). the turtle race peopled by throngs of shouting fans (definitely my idea of killer Friday night entertainment). Also note the girl who kisses her turtle after it wins. Yuck. the guy who takes his date back to his boat where he has a shrine to himself complete with photograph and candles (also, why in the world does this scene go on for fifteen minutes? I thought I was in a different movie)The funky "Slithis cam" apparently achieved by taping a balloon over the camera. the police chief who looks like Ron Jeremy and acts like Peter Lorre after 100 cups of coffee.
veggeta This movie is basically something you want to avoid.Unless you're a die hard cheap horror fan.And event then the movie is still not enjoyable.The film is as one would expect overloaded with bad acting,ridiculous scientific explanations, and annoying stereotypes.Its a good film to bypass.Instead see 'They Bite' or 'Humanoids from the Deep'.