R | 12 November 1997 (USA)
Spacejacked Trailers

The luxury space cruiser Star Princess' maiden voyage is sabotaged when the treacherous second make, Alex Barnes (Corbin Bernsen), kills the captain and "spacejacks" the ship. Barnes then severs communications with Earth and activates a bomb which will blow up the liner unless he is given access to the wealthy passengers' bank accounts. But he mistakenly underestimates the courage of the first mate, Ryan Taylor (Steve Bonds) and an adventurous young passenger, Dawn Taggert (Amanda Pays), who together risk life and limb to try to save the Star Princess and her passengers from inevitable destruction.

RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
lemon_magic I don't normally award "1"s to movies. Even dregs like "Space Mutiny" and "Castle of Fu Manchu" will get a "2" or better ("Mutiny" actually spent some money on sets and effects, and "Fu" had Christopher Lee in it). It takes something especially awful, totally devoid of entertainment value or even basic human emotion, to get me to rate it as a "1". Not only do I have to dislike the film, I have to HATE it.Not only do I have to HATE it, I have to DESPISE it. BUT, if ever a film deserved a "1" rating, it is "Spacejacked". This film has been in rotation on cable for several years, and I have tried to watch it several times. Or rather, the first couple of times I tried to watch it. Then I tried to just switch back to it every few minutes. Then I simply tried to catch the ending and the credits. But I simply cannot make myself do it. This film makes dreck like "Hobgoblins" and "Knights" look like "Citizen Kane". In fact,calling "Spacejacked" "dreck" is an insult to dreck. The sets wouldn't pass muster on a "Captain Video" serial episode. The costume designs would be rejected by the drama department at a middle school. The score is a total 'disconnect' from the events on the screen. The acting...well, the extras and the actors in the minor parts all do their best, but Corbin Bernsen (who used to actually be good) stinks up the joint something awful. I can only assume that he took one look at the script, decided that his career was basically over, and said, "What the hell, I'm gonna stink up the joint." What's worse, is he is STILL the best actor in the film. This film drips incompetence and laziness from every frame of its film stock. It's not even fun to watch as a 'Golden Turkey'/"MST" style stinker, because on top of all its other faults, it's got no heart. I mean, come on, even "Plan 9 From Outer Space" had a heart. I can't recommend this under any circumstances, and I'm the fellow who once said that "The Starfighters" would be watchable if you were in a certain weird mood. Avoid like the plague, and do NOT pay money to see this!
herumesueni This is arguably one of the worst films ever produced. Not that Roger Corman is known for great film...but this is bad even for him. There's some fun to be had in watching Bernson hamming it up as the hijacker. And the very un-androidlike behavior of the one android is laughable...especially when compared with the others on the ship. And the science is so incredibly bad it's beyond imagining.But where this movie truly becomes pathetic is when the score is taken into account. There's one scene where one of the characters is killed, and another is basiclally screaming and having a nervous breakdown while a jolly liltiing clarinet solo plays over the scene. In fact, the entire score seems to be made up of jolly lilting clarinet solos and drum solos.If you like the great bad movies like Plan 9 From Outer Space and Battlefield Earth...Spacejacked is one you can't miss.
critic-63 Lets face it, this is a movie youll love or hate no happy medium.Its a cult movie of the highest order, ed wood would be proud.The actors are obviously hamming it up which is whats called for.So if youre going to comment on this from an "im a film buff" point of view then you just dont get it.This is pure kitch and a cult classic
Foeth It's not that the special effects are worse than the original star trek series, or that helmets switch position with each new shot, as this is clearly a no-budget movie. It's the absence of any storyline or actor whatsoever. The entire ship is contaminated with stereotypes, while the bad guy tries to extract money from them, by forcing them to give him their bank account passwords. When that fails, he uses a small machine which does the trick within 15 minutes, making you wonder why he staged the entire 'spacejacking' in the first place. In one scene, you can even see both doors of the airlock leading to the 'depressurized zone' standing open. Bah.Rating: 1/10. Honestly, I have seen jars of paint looking more interesting than this.