Soul Assassin
Soul Assassin
R | 23 August 2001 (USA)
Soul Assassin Trailers

A security agent at an investment bank uncovers espionage that is linked to his girlfriend's murder. He vows to seek revenge on those responsible.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
themoviebuff2003 This might have been watchable if it hadn't been for the director's experiments in photography-gives you a headache at times. Same crap I saw in the GET CARTER remake, and I can't stand it. All it does is make the story more muddled than it needs to be. The woman who played Karrina (Rena something or other)is sexy and fascinating, and I would've liked to see more of her, but-no(a few sexy hookers, too 8^D). Kristy Swanson and Skeet Ulrich are wasted here. Here's a newsflash-if you're going to do a film, and want to make it 'gritty'-why not just film it in black and white, instead of blue w/ one object in the screen in color? That way it might actually add something to the movie. Everything this director does has been seen before, and besides that, what he does merely serves to detract from the story. A confusing and muddled script only further contributes to disaster. I knew before I read it here that the director had done music videos, because that was what this movie feels like in spots.
Mortharer What I hated most about the film is that the building most of the film is shot in has is located in Amsterdam, but the view is of a bridge in Rotterdam for a resident of Amsterdam this would be his ultimate nightmare.then in a, i have to say, nicely shot chase on the canals, suddenly, the character played by Skeet Ulrich is in Utrecht. there are too many of these things in the movie to explain.maybe this is the cause, of the film not getting really good credits in Holland.An advice to future directors, who want to shoot a film in holland, take notice of the fact, somethings don`t mix, taking the view of the Rotterdam bridge from a Building in Amsterdam as main example.
bryant52 Accomplishing what I had thought impossible, this film moves from intriguing/thriller-worthy premise to absolute schlock within 5 minutes of the opening credits. No story. No characters. No acting. Dubious cinematography (I guess it's just a Blue, Blue World). All this matched by an ending which establishes a new standard for 'lousy'. Given that it was a free rental....I want my money back.
Ernest Hamstra Being a big fan of Dutch movies, I really looked forward to watch this film with so many Dutch actors in it.For me it was very disappointing, and not only because seeing so many Dutch guys speak English to each other. The many plot holes, the music-video style of filming, the blue filter, the loud music, the pitch-changing of the film, it was just too much.This movie is trying to be something so hard that it doesn't succeed at all. What a waste of talent...