| 21 March 1981 (USA)
SOPOR Trailers

One Monday morning, a thousand children leave the suburb of Farsta and go to Stockholm to occupy the Royal Castle. The children have formed a group called S.O.P.O.R. as a protest against the way adults treat them and have destroyed their future. They demand that the robots in the industry are replaced by humans to create job opportunities. They take the royal family as hostages.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Steineded How sad is this?
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
OJT SOPOR which in Swedish means the equivalent to trash, is a Monty Pythonesque comedy about a day when all children one morning disappears, before the grown ups realize that the children has taken control over society, and takes the Swedish royal family hostage, and at a press conference explaining that SOPOR stands for "Sveriges Onödigforklarades protest organization" which means Swedens unnecessary peoples protest organization" - about giving every person a meaning.The film is one of the last feature comedies by the popular comedian Tage Danielson, released four years before he died.The film is a comedy which really takes the modern society up to discussion. A society where the grown ups are controlling everything, and where children and youngsters are obsolete hostages by grown ups, which from the children's point of view takes many bad decisions.In a way you could also say this film defines criticism of modern socialism and Nordic social democracy, and even to the royal family. A society with no child work and no other demand than going to school. I found the film both interesting and entertaining, and for fans of crazy comedies in Monty Python style and the likes, this film is very recommended.
topzigirl I don´r really know how many times i have seen this movie but i can tell you that i like it more and more fore every time i see it. It´s a really good story and it´s a really true story to... I mean it could happen. I don´t think it will but it something to think about. Don´t you think??