Canadian Bacon
Canadian Bacon
PG | 08 June 1995 (USA)
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The U.S. President, low in the opinion polls, gets talked into raising his popularity by trying to start a cold war with Canada.

MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Maria Bourge This movie as absolutely delicious. The humour is so refined and the subtleties hilarious.The fun directed at Canadians is original, based on preconceptions about Canada, on presumptions, and on hearsay. All these elements are put together in a very novel way.One must be a Canadian or else have strong Canadian connections - an excellent understanding of Canada, to fully appreciate this movie.It is an excellent occasion for Canadians to have a good laugh at how they are perceived not only by Americans, but also by a lot of other nations.It appears this movie was never shown in Canadian movie theatres, and that is a real shame, because we missed out on a high quality movie.I am recommending this movie to everyone I know.
Ken West "Surrender her pronto, or we'll level Toronto." (Reminds me of an old joke: "The Lone Ranger goes to Canada" . . . or . . "On to Toronto,Tonto, pronto!")It's probably easier for a Canadian to like this movie, and to find it funny. Allan Alda's line, above, was one of the many times I laughed out loud -- my real test for a funny movie.What it is, is, an exaggeration of the exaggerated perception that (we think) Americans have about Canada -- the cleanliness, the politeness, the accent ootandabooot etc. Plus, the portrayal of Americans looking like goofs as they stumble around and over-react to those exaggerations. Canadians understand both the substance and the hyperbole around those clichés, and the LOLs are easy to come by.Then, of course, the movie exaggerates American clichés also, and "everybody" loves to laugh at Americans, even though most Canadians (certaintly the ones that have visited often) have great admiration for the giant to the south, and lots of envy too. Also, lots of movie clichés get the same satirical treatment.Hey, it's really great fun at the expense of both sides, although in different ways. I can't believe that it's Roger Moore who put it together -- most of his stuff is so heavy and self-important as to be unwatchable. (On second thought, I guess it IS typical MM -- mocking as much Americana per minute as he can) But he must have been doing different drugs when he did this mini-masterpiece. It cannot go unnoticed, of course, that John Candy, the American sheriff is/was very, very Canadian.Canadians, and Americans who know about Canada, should find this a funny movie worth their time.
mlamar-3 I love this movie. It cracks me up every time I watch it. One of the things I think is funny is the fact that so many Canadians appear in it--although they could be walking undetected among us Americans! The idea of Canadians' massing along the border, preparing to invade the US, is hilariously depicted by the "news media," trying to whip up anti-Canadian feeling. And, Alan Alda as the vacillating politician, with Rip Torn as his Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, were perfect! I enjoyed hearing the two Mounted Policemen debating about how to end a sentence without using a preposition. Their Canadian accent is more noticeable in that scene than in most others. In real life, it is interesting to consider how-different we are, even though we have so many apparent similarities. Only the Australians or Israelis are more like us Americans than are the Canadians. Yet, we are different. The scary thing is how realistic the idea of creating an enemy, where one doesn't exist may have turned out to be, as in the alleged "weapons of mass destruction" that motivated the invasion of Iraq.
SeptumSin There are quite a few satires out there but many have a hard time in keep up with this one.After the Cold War the Americans need a new enemy...Canada! Join John Candy and his group of northern armchair heroes as they take the battle to the Canadians in order to improve the US economy.I should say that this is a fun movie. The satire is top notch as only Micheal Moore can deliver. The interaction between characters is done very well and though a few scenes may be a little harsh politically it is still pretty funny and doesn't lean too much to the left of the political spectrum. I am sad that I didn't get to see this film any sooner. There is a fairly good cast of stars and cameos of several others. It is done well.
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