McHale's Navy
McHale's Navy
PG | 18 April 1997 (USA)
McHale's Navy Trailers

Retired Lieutenant Commander Quinton McHale spends his days puttering around the Caribbean in the old PT-73 selling homebrew, ice cream, and swimsuit calendars. He's brought out of retirement when his old nemesis turned the second best terrorist in the world, Major Vladikov, takes over the island of San Moreno and starts building a nuclear launch silo on it. With help from his old crew and hindrances from Captain Wallace B. Binghampton, who sank a cruise liner a while back, McHale tries to put Vladikov out of business.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
FlashCallahan Naval commander McHale has left the service and set-up trade on a Caribbean island, which supplies his former mates at a military base nearby with all their needs.The base is now commanded by Capt. Binghampton and island governor has a deal with a terrorist to use the island as base. McHale gets back into his crew when his arch-enemy Major Vladikov sets up an operation to destroy the island.....1997 was a random year for comedy, you had watchable guff like Rocketman and Most Wanted, but then you had awful, brain dead movies like Gone Fishin', and this film.I don't think that it matters that I have never seen the series, but I get the jist. I'm guessing it was a lot like St. Bilko, but set at sea. Arnold is an okay screen presence, and is a wonderful supporting character, as seen in True Lies, and even Exit Wounds.But the man cannot carry a movie, and Carpool and this prove it, and no matter how many zany supporting characters there are, it doesn't help him.The story is awful, Messing looks desperate, and Curry hams it up almost illegally.There's a big explosion at the end and Dean Stockwell looks bored.Like I was after this dirge.
l-danielflores I am a fan of McHale's Navy, and since i enjoy watching the original series, I thought I'd see the movie, until I saw the cast. Tom Arnold as McHale, wow that started to kill my interest, then I saw Tim Curry, that killed it even more. David Allen Grier, who I like don't get me wrong, but as Ensign Parker, who is white, that kills the originality of the film because in order for it to be McHale's Navy, everyone who takes the role has to fit the part from the original series, so that means race, and gender, etc. Then a female as Captain Binghampton's aid, who is supposed to be a male, named Elroy Carpenter. French Stewart as Happy, and Happy is fat and bald, and I don't think French is, there isn't Fuji, there isn't Tinker, so they should have made a different name for the film because this isn't what the title says it is; it's not McHale's Navy, its someone else's Navy.
Theo Robertson When I saw that Tim Curry appeared in the credits I knew that this was going to be crap . I'm sorry if I'm upsetting both of Mr Curry's fans by saying this but I'm afraid his talents begin and end with pantomimes . He usually drags a film down when he's asked to play a villain , but to be charitable I do confess that TC isn't only the bad thing about McHALE'S NAVY - Everything is bad There's nothing worse than listening to people who think that they're clever or funny , except maybe watching a movie that thinks it's clever or funny . Admittedly I doubt anyone who produced it thought they were making THE USUAL SUSPECTS but what made them think this was going to raise a laugh or make money at the box office . There's a scene where a couple of good guys talking to a prisoner in a cell , guess what happens ? There's a scene with a guy in a diving suit that is expanded with too much air pressure and there's a guy standing behind him with a lit cigar , guess what happens ? There's a scene with navy SEALS and you know how special use cameo on their faces ? Well here they've painted their faces as tigers and Groucho Marx in a scene so unfunny I thought it'd been written by Karl Marx . Obviously this is the kind of movie that got made because somebody had friends in high places . Hopefully this movie lost a lot of people a lot of money
cimnemonk This is by far one of my favorite military parodies ever, and i loved both hot shots movies. first, let me say that with possibly one exception (scary movie 2) Tim Curry can do no wrong, and he delivered his lines with sterling precision in this movie, pulling off the insane soviet terrorist perfectly. Also, the mere presence of Bruce cambell in anything ressurects this movie from any slightly bad features it may have. well played out, and expertly performed, even by tom arnold. a must see for when you need a good laugh.