Small Town Murder Songs
Small Town Murder Songs
R | 06 May 2011 (USA)
Small Town Murder Songs Trailers

Walter is the chief of police in a small Ontario town that has its first murder victim, an attractive young woman who is found naked on the shores of the nearby lake. The woman isn't local and while the Ontario Provincial Police have taken the lead in the investigation, Walter assists where he can. The town is mostly a close-knit Mennonite community and Walter has recently returned to his church. He is also trying to deal with his own temper that led to a violent incident some months before. As the young woman is identified, it becomes apparent that Walter's former love interest may be lying.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
nathan_912013 In this small town crime drama we face the protagonists demons more then we do the murderer. This film is not in everyone's taste especially with the initial set up that tricks you into thinking this is another mystery movie. The film is dripping with a spiritual thirst for redemption and while a lot of people bash the soundtrack fro being too loud and distracting i believe it hit the tone just right. If anything the music is what made the movie. With such a barren and bland setting with simple farm raised characters i think the music adds a great contrast that creates the emotion that in the viewer that the main character experiences. I will admit i was surprised and skeptical at first when i heard the soundtrack blare out of my t.v. during slow motion and seemingly meaningless scenes, but after my second and third viewing i realize that it is the scenes with the most meaning that the music plays during. This film is an amazing character study and great tale of redemption and the will to be a better person. Peter Stormare is spectacular and riveting the whole movie, though he says very little, every word seems to carry a raspy deepness. I recommend this film to everyone who would like a different kind of crime drama. 'nough said.
Bene Cumb I have always admired Peter Stormare's acting but I am unable to recall him in a leading role - until now. He provides a strong performance as a religious police officer with violent and painful past, and there are very few scenes without his presence. As for the rest, I cannot find more outstanding features: the plot is slow and dull (the killer can be figured out early), religious soundtrack and church links are annoying, other actors/characters are not catchy. Even in terms of pondering and profundity, there are far more interesting and versatile movies, even from Canada. Luckily, its duration is 1 hour and 10 minutes only.Thus, a film for art's sake, but not interesting to follow. It could just have been a psychological film without any crime at all. By the way, I like the Coens a lot and have seen all of their films. Small Town Murder Songs does not measure up to them.
tflynn-7 This is the absolute worst movie I've ever seen. I kept watching it thinking that it's gotta get better. I held that thought right up to the credits. Don't know where they got the guy who played the police chief, but almost anyone could play his part since his part was mostly sitting quietly and sulking. I'll bet that he didn't say more than 20 words through the whole movie. I don't know why writers think that the brooding, silent type is what people want to see, but as for me, a character like makes me want to slap him and say, "Say something". I've seen some real stinker movies before, but this one takes first place. Just an awful movie!.
kosmasp This is almost an exhibit in acting. Peter Stormare is as great in this as the bit players. There is no weakness to be found in the acting department. The short running time is good too, the music is well selected and the script is as tight as it should be. I personally do not agree as much with Coen comparisons, because this is far more serious than a Fargo.It's important to know, because people will think of Fargo and not of Millers Crossing or other serious themed movies the Coen brothers did. Most of the people that is. All in all it wouldn't do justice to the filmmaker just comparing him to someone else. He did something really amazing here, mixing photography and sound to make a movie about human downfall(s).