NR | 06 October 1998 (USA)
Sitcom Trailers

The adventures of an upper-class suburban family abruptly confronted with the younger brother's discovery of his homosexuality, the elder sister's suicide attempt and sadomasochist tendencies, and the intrusion of a very free-spirited maid and her husband. And it all started with the arrival in the family of an innocent looking rat.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
meitschi I love Francois Ozon's films. Together with this, I have seen all his feature-length work (Sitcom, Criminal Lovers, Drops Falling On Burning Rocks, Under the Sand, 8 Women, Swimming Pool). "Sitcom" is the film by him that I found the most bizarre and unsettling (even though I had some good laughs). The ending was a bit too much, but otherwise, I quite liked it. The atmosphere and the bizarre events sometimes reminded me of "Criminal Lovers", that he made immediately afterwards, but with more focus on black humor than in the latter.The whole way through, the story of "Sitcom" reminded me of Pier Paolo Pasolini's "Theorem" (Teorema) - much more than of Bunuel's "The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie", already mentioned here. In Pasolini's 1968 film, a strange visitor unsettles the life of an Italian bourgeois family: after he leaves, the daughter loses her mind, starts lying catatonicly on her bed and has to be transferred to a mental institution; the mother, in a desperate urge for promiscuity, picks up handsome young men on the streets for sex; the maid goes back to her village and becomes a levitating saint; the son discovers his talent for painting (and probably realizes that he is gay); the father at first seems not to be affected, but then he also succumbs to the influence. Ozon's film seems to take up this motif and transfer it to a very-very black farce and a parody of American sitcoms (I love the set design with all those bright colors!). People here (especially the mother) always try to "talk things out" like in the sitcoms, but it doesn't really work, because the environment is/has become so different.At the very end, though, everyone seems to have found themselves at last: from a dysfunctional family, they have apparently become a happy family again - though not exactly in the traditional, conservative way. But the white rat is still lurking everywhere...
ARRI535BL This film is Francois Ozon's debut, which made him one of the most promising young directors of Europe. Here we have a story, which can be treated as taken as modern 'The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie' by Luis Bunuel. Here a typical French family alters in the most disturbing way. The whole madness starts when father brings home a lab rat. Next the son at the dinner stands and declaims that since that moment he is a gay. Then his sister jumps out of the window trying to commit a suicide...And so on. And the story keeps going till the unusual end, which contains one of the most bizarre sequences in modern European cinema. Acting is at very high level, and so is the directing. Dialogs are pretty witty and memorable. It is difficult to name a genre of this movie, but the closest is - black comedy.
DJ Inferno "Sitcom" tells the story about a petty bourgeois French family who leads a surface normal life. One day father brings white rat from a research institute to his home and from this day things changes radical, because everyone who has physical contact with this animal becomes totally freaked out..! The son outs himself as a homo, the daughter does S&M-practices and becomes endangered for suicide, the mother starts having a sex affair with her own son...You have to see this great satire with your own eyes to believe it when human soulish depths turn up! Cynical, provoking and grotesque - more words are not needed to describe it!! A great farce!!!
elcopy Twisted, perverted, incredibly disturbing and sometimes funny. In other words, the total opposite of the squeaky-clean TV shows the title of the movie has.The content of the movie is plain sick. Compared to it, Jerry Springer looks like a sitcom.The story is about a family that adopts a rat as a pet and all of a sudden becomes the iconization of the word "dysfunctional". If there's a hidden meaning, I wasn't trying to look for it and I never found it. It is a blast to watch if you can stomach it, otherwise run from this title like it was the plague.