Sisters of Death
Sisters of Death
PG | 18 April 1976 (USA)
Sisters of Death Trailers

During an all-girl secret society initiation, one of the new members is killed playing Russian Roulette. Many years later the survivors are invited for a reunion to a lavish estate, which turns out to be owned by the crazed father of the girl who died.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
DigitalRevenantX7 An initiation task for a pair of pledges as part of a ceremony inducting them into a college sorority goes horribly wrong when a live round finds itself into a gun in a game of Russian Roulette, resulting in the death of a pledge. Years later, the surviving sisters are adults & lead various lives. They are contacted out of the blue for a reunion party in Mexico. But upon arriving at the secluded mansion for the party, they find the place belongs to the dead pledge's father, who is determined to find the person responsible for his daughter's death despite the police ruling it an accident. The sisters & a pair of male gatecrashers find themselves trapped inside the property by electric fence, slowly picked off one by one by the secret killer in their midst.God bless the dirt-cheap budget DVD labels – how else can you find minor gems like Sisters of Death a good 39 years after its release? I initially thought that the film was going to be a borefest or a cheap telepic drama but once the film started, I saw that Sisters of Death was capable of much more than that.Sisters of Death is a thriller that may have been made years before the slasher film became a fixture of the genre, but it does have certain elements that would make it a slasher film prototype (HALLOWEEN came out two years later). The plot reads like a slasher film in some regards, although the killer doesn't use knives but various methods to kill their victims & the killer's identity doesn't become clear until the very end, which when seen is an effective surprise. The actors do a good job of carrying the film along, which was a hallmark of the genre at the time – 1970s genre films were a bit talky but made a considerable effort to compose solid stories into their being. The setup is solid & the story is interesting, although it does veer into daytime telepic territory at times. Not a classic by any margin but it does have an interesting story & the twists are pretty novel.
ivegonemod This was by no means an excellent movie, but it passed the time and held my attention. The acting wasn't bad, thought the script was skeptical. Why would anybody with sense get in a car with two men they don't know and drive to an unknown destination? During the movie, everybody knows there is a crazy guy in the house who plans on killing the guests. Gee, this is the perfect time to get undressed and change into pajamas to go to sleep, why not take a shower too?These girls are stupid. Who could sleep at a time like that? Why would you take a shower?
Chase_Witherspoon B-grade thriller has a bizarre sisterhood initiation that involves a Russian roulette round that ends in tragedy when one of the débutantes is executed. Seven years later the surviving members are summoned to a reunion at an isolated mansion. Despite the welcoming party, they soon discover that the fun and games are just beginning, and they're unlikely to ever leave.Paul Carr and Joe E.Tata co-star as a pair of hired chauffeurs who inadvertently become stranded with the girls when the fence surrounding the compound is electrified; Tata went on to become a minor celebrity of sorts twenty years later in "Beverly Hills 90210". Playboy playmate, Clauida Jennings is 'ample' in her leading role, but she's somewhat overshadowed by her co-stars Boucher (a one-time Mrs George Peppard) and Howell in particular. Veteran Arthur Franz acts with restraint, though his role is largely confined to peering through door cracks, and making homemade bullets for his gatling gun.Mildly suspenseful with a couple of chuckles, the plot contrivances are weak and the pace laboured for the lack of material, but still, there's an undeniable b-movie quality that prevails. If you're not too discerning and are familiar with the cast, you should find enough here to keep you entertained.
BloodTheTelepathicDog When a sorority initiation ritual ends in murder the five surviving sisters go their separate ways. Seven years pass and they are all invited to a secluded mansion, complete with a ten-foot high electric fence surrounding the estate, by an unknown host. They are escorted to the estate by two guys, one horny and the other bright, and are then dispatched one by one by the father of the sorority pledge they accidentally murdered seven years ago.This film plays like a drive-in slasher flick but lacks all the exploitative ingredients that define the drive-in classics. There is absolutely no gore and very little skin. The death scenes are boring and borderline ludicrous, but I enjoy subtlety when cinema deaths are the main course - too often film-goers need to see things take place since they are incapable of using their imagination. That being said, this 70's slasher does justice to its PG rating. Also, look for the boom mic being visible at the pool scene when Cheri Howell tells the two guys to drift.VIOLENCE: $$ (Like I mentioned before, the violence is tame. There is a strangling, stabbing and an electrocution and a guy gets attacked by a vicious canine - which somehow wasn't noticed the first day of the party. Every dog that I've ever come across has a tendency to bark when strangers are in its midst - but not this pooch).STORY: $$$ (A by-the-numbers script becomes extremely convoluted at the end when a series of twists take place. These twists give the viewer the inclination that the script was rewritten ninety times on set. Character development was actually quite solid for the genre. The story painted a decent picture of how the girls lived their lives after the murder. Two of the girls became success stories, at least financially, one became a hippie, the fourth a wayward hitchhiker and the fifth, who was the least defined, a woman with irritable bowels).NUDITY: $ (All you get here is a side view of Claudia Jennings as she changes into a bikini - nothing more).ACTING: $$$ (The acting was quite good for the genre as well. Par for the course, Claudia Jennings shines as Judy, the pledge who was seated beside the murdered girl. Cheri Howell does the best job, one of only a handful of films the raven-haired beauty was ever in. She was perfect in her role as the calculating, cold-as-ice Sylvia. Sherry Boucher did a decent job as the hitchhiker and Joe Tata, as the dude with a raging libido, also gave a good performance. Carr, as Tata's partner was good too but Howell gets the nod for best performance).