Sinners and Saints
Sinners and Saints
R | 30 June 2010 (USA)
Sinners and Saints Trailers

In lawless storm ravaged New Orleans, eleaguered Detective Sean Riley is trying to cope with the death of his young son and the abandonment of his wife. Facing a probable suspension from the department, Riley is teamed with a young homicide Detective, Will Ganz, to help solve a series of brutal murders that have plunged the city into a major gang war. The two quickly realize there is something far more sinister going on than either could have ever imagined.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Tss5078 Whether you know him best as an occasional actor, a martial arts champion, or a heavy metal singer, there is no doubting the fact that Johnny Strong is a very interested and talented guy. That's why I wanted to see his only leading role, unfortunately, the best part of this film, was it's soundtrack. Strong plays Detective Sean Riley, a cop who doesn't play by any rules. He recently lost his family and now he finds himself smack in the middle of a gang war, that he feels is getting help from inside his own department. On top of that, he's stuck with a new partner, a guy who is definitely not ready for where this investigation is about to go. As far as stories go, this one wasn't too bad, but the problem here is Johnny Strong. I like the guy a lot, when it comes to an actor who can put out a few funny lines and kick some ass, he's perfect, but the star of a feature film, he's not suited for that and it shows. The background story here is pretty solid, but due to the lack of acting skills, it isn't developed much, and we end up with a lot of heated profanity laced arguments, followed by gun fights. Your typical, basic, low budget, action film. There really wasn't anything special about this movie other than a few funny lines, unfortunately pretty much what I expected.
wotterson This film was great on so many different levels. While the cop genre of films has been picked apart and redone so many different times this film, while not bringing anything new or fresh, did provide a level of intensity and grit that is rarely seen on film. We see Johnny Strong play a police officer who is at a point in his life who is searching for stability after a series of personal traumas have him evaluating where to go next in life. While he is dealing with his own personal issues he is thrown into a violent crime wave of murders that are taking place all over the city and he is tabbed to deal with it. Without giving anything away, Strong knocks this performance out of the water. Strong is a great actor, good face for the screen and he gives a soulful, intense performance really making the viewer identify with the struggles he is going through. Also a nod to Sean Patrick Flannery for his role in this film. He brings that BDS accent, but he does a great job of adding to the grit and realness of the film. The one unspoken star in this film for me was Method Man. While he isn't on screen very much is memorable to say the least. Set in the gritty, post Katrina city of New Orleans this film is a winner. If your looking for a film to watch that involves a good story line, solid acting and good action check it out, I definitely recommend it.
actionfilm-2 Won't rehash any of the plot details here, it's enough to say this film is a Lethal Weapon for the new millennium. While the story is not original, the filmmakers brought freshness to the subject matter by: A) Hiring a terrific lead, Johnny Strong (hows that for a name!) is not the typical pretty boy actor Hollywood tries to pass off as an action hero, the guy looks and acts seriously tough. And kudos to him for taking the role seriously, as evidenced by his exceptional ability to handle weapons and the stunts convincingly. B) First rate job on the rest of the casting as well, and that means every role, not a sour note in the bunch. C) Solid, solid, and stylish direction. D) Good script, without the bland and often cliché dialog found in so many action films today. E) Very nice work from the technical advisers and trainers, this is a rare example of these professionals and an actor (in this case Strong) coming together and producing a truly convincing performance, as opposed to just an adequate one. Their attention to detail pays off here.Of course there's plenty of other reasons, but these stand out. Highly recommended.
kimjarman19 First of all, I'd like to say I did like this film, before people start rating this down, but I think it had the potential to be a lot better.The main character looked too cliché for the part, I was hoping for a vaguely happy, good cop to have gone rouge if you would, but instead I got an already messed up one. The reason for him being that way was explained but very briefly and we got to see no storyline about it really. On top of that his partner doesn't really suit the part, I didn't think so anyway.Some of the acting was a bit unbelievable and jumpy but it's a good watch if you're not expecting anything amazingly special, and that's why I rated it a 7/10, because the acting really bugged me. Apart from what I've stated it was a good film, though.