Play the Game
Play the Game
PG-13 | 27 February 2009 (USA)
Play the Game Trailers

When ladies' man David Mitchell (Paul Campbell) gives his lonely grandfather, Joe (Andy Griffith), some pointers on dating, Joe becomes a big hit with the women in his retirement community. But David strikes out with his own tricks when he tries to woo a girl named Julie (Marla Sokoloff). Now it's up to Joe to teach his grandson how to win at love without playing games. Doris Roberts and Liz Sheridan co-star in this award-winning comedy.

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
KKrastin A movie that everyone dating should see and decide whether you play the game with dating, or play the game at work. Loved seeing another side of Andy Griffith (Grandpa). It was nice seeing Doris Roberts (Rose), from Everyone Loves Raymond, banter with Grandpa. It created an nice look of age stereotyping on what is love and how we define what love will look like for each of us. Will we know love when it arrives?There's definitely something to appeal to all ages watching this movie! Lots of laughter along the way!I've seen this before too and never wrote the review back then, but I did so this time to make sure that you are encouraged to watch this. Great date movie to watch and wonder in the end.. ?
Sean Trank My wife and I were looking for a good romantic comedy to fill our afternoon. We stumbled across this film on Netflix saw that it had 3.2 stars out of five and said, "Hey, why not?" I soon wished I would have read more reviews as the movie quickly advanced into awkward scenes of old people sex, bad advice, bad acting, and multiple montages that happened so frequently I could have told the story in half the time and saved a lot of time and money. Most of the scenes felt awkward in that the shots were to long and many times it felt that the actors were waiting to just say their lines. After reading the synopsis I thought it would be a clever smart story but the writing just felt stupid and unrealistic like a "just friends" meets any Ben Stiller movie where he does not play a psycho... The Cinematography was great, well lit, good shots, bright colors, but why did you have to show me old people having sex and then pushing the dialog to a point where it got so repetitive that I could quote the movie before I had even seen it!?All that to say I regretfully watched this film and am giving it 1 star...
jbalog3 These reviews are a little harsh. The story is pretty cute. It has it's funny parts, but I didn't go in expecting much. It's a very basic plot that with some editing would be really good, but I think it is worth a watch.I am a big fan of Indie films but they can be hit or miss. I thought it was a hit for originality in the story. I can agree with other reviews that it was rather annoying cutting back and forth between the two stories right when you get hooked. It has a feel good ending with a fun twist. I do think the preview for the film is a little misleading. It is a lot more sexual than you would think, but I found it entertaining. Don't take it too literal or you won't have fun with it. There are some parts that might be considered offensive to ages 60 and up. I could see how the movie isn't for everybody. It's definitely aimed at young adults who are still maturing emotionally.
caseyp57-770-942352 By 'all' I mean me, hubby and our 23 year old son. There were some cute scenes though, like the grandson and his love interest in the Laundromat, and a few good lessons learned. And Andy Griffeth was wonderful as always, as was Doris Roberts. Now onto some of the problems...I thought the grandfather's character was a rather sleazy role, not worthy of Griffeth. Not only that but it was unbelievable, and perhaps demeaning to older folk. Two octogenarians calling a movie a 'talkie'? My parents used that as a joke, but of course neither they or the older characters in this movie would even have been part of the silent movie era. Just an example. My son also kept looking at the protagonist and saying 'no one likes you!'. ;) He thought Griffeth carried a bad plot though, but I think the premise could have worked, if they could have toned down the sleaze a bit. Sorry, I'm an old fashioned gal. Definitely not Christian values though, despite what some of the characters may learn in the movie. But back to the younger generation. When they make a main character too unlikable, it's hard for us to even want him to 'get the girl'. We really wanted to see if Griffeth 'got his girl' though--you can't make Griffeth unlikable, really--so we skipped a bunch of the movie and tuned in at the end. The general consensus was that we should have done that sooner.